PSCN, METL, INWR and other conductors can modify how elements like ARAY, CRAY and PSTN work. Why shouldn't QRTZ do the same? Most people don't know that QRTZ can conduct, and those who do know don't use it very often, so no saves will be broken.
QRTZ+PSTN: Piston instantly retracts. Means that pistons don't have to be huge to instantly retract.
QRTZ+CRAY: CRAY deletes only it's ctype. belugawhale's idea
QRTZ+ARAY: BRAY glows, and when 2 or more beams cross at a point they combine into 1 beam (Death star style) and heats up anything it touches more effectively. (not sure how this could be done) Useful for heaters, weapons, or something that needs to glow when sparked.
QRTZ+DRAY: Duplicates something normally, but deletes the original (not a very good idea, but I'm pretty sure there are better ones out there)
QRTZ+PCLN/PBCN (Or any togglable powered element): Activates the PCLN/PBCN while being sparked, but deactivates it when it isn't being sparked anymore. Useful because it means you can control PCLN/PBCN more precisely.
QRTZ+FRAY: Changes x or y instead of vx or vy (Not sure if this is how FRAY works) Useful for moving things around easily.
Again, a sugestion for your spaceships? xD Anyway, this could be usefull.
@the_new_powder99999 (View Post)
This could be useful.
You can insulate it from heat using INSL and block all pressure with TTAN, this shouldn't be a problem for most electronics anyway.
Does anyone have any ideas for functions that elements could have when powered by QRTZ?
I guess pretty much all of the toggle-able powered elements could act just like PCLN, where they stay on while being sparked and turn off when not sparked.
Good idea, I will add that.