Some New (Cool) Elements Suggestions V2

  • Philip153
    26th Jan 2015 Member 1 Permalink

    This is a V2 (Thanks to FeymanLogomaker) of my new elements suggestions list.
    So here it is:

    HELM - Helium, Made from HYGN Fusion. Does not ignite/explode and drifts upwards. Volume changes with tmp2.
    LITM - Litium, Conducts and Does not burn. Receives/Conducts Fastly to INWR. Disappears with WATR.
    BRYM - Berylium, Toxic to STCK (Conducting and not Conducting). Conducts. Explodes ONLY with PLSM (Does not explode with FIRE).
    BRON - Boron. A Solid that Conducts Electricity but not heat.
    CARB - Carbon. Burns slowly like COAL. Fuses into DMND at high temp. Conducts Heat and Electricity. Acts like SHLD when sparked.
    NTRG - Nitrogen. Cools into NICE. Mix with GLOW to form NITR. The Gas Burns at rather low temp but burns long.
    FLUR - Fluorene, Toxic Gas. Ignites with FIRE. Is not affected by VIRS. Turns into CAUS when sparked. (Yes, It Conducts)
    NEON - Neon Gas, Glows with the color of it's tmp when sparked. Also a fast conductor.
    SODM - Sodium. Ignites with WATR. Does not react with FIRE/PLSM. Mix with CAUS to form SALT (Na + Cl = NaCl)
    CALS - Calsium. Improves STCK's health and Conducts. The Electricity from CALS does not affect STKM.
    ALUM - Aluminum. Not very brittle but melts quickly. Burns long. Conducts but slowly.
    PHOS - Phosphorus. Glows with high temp/pressure/gravity (negative or positive). Emits PHOT slowly.
    SLFR - Sulfer. Toxic element which releases FLUR and CAUS slowly. Burns Slowly.
    PTAS - Potassium, Burns with a striking Purple Glow.
    MGNE - Magnesium, Brittle, Corrosion-Resistant Metal. Glows when under high gravity.
    NICK - Nickel. Mix with IRON to form TTAN. Brittle and conducts. Is not affected by VIRS.
    CBLT - Cobalt. Paints Other elements with it's deco color (Like BIZR). A Heavy powder which can rust/conduct. Does not conduct to METL.
    DYNA - Dynamite!!!!! Explodes MORE vionlently than deut 65535 life!!!!! Explodes with IGNC ONLY.
    RADM - Radium. Acts like BTRY, Releasing Electricity and glowing. Radioactive with GRVT. Slowly decays into PHOT + LEAD.
    LEAD - A brittle metal which is the byproduct of PLUT, DEUT, ISOZ, URAN, RADM + All Radioactive Materials. Is the heaviest element.
    BSMT - Bismute. A Brittle metal that forms a crystal and glows when Melted/Frozen. Blocks Heat/Pressure/Gravity/Electricity.
    BRME - Brome. A Radioactive and Toxic Chemical. Decays into CAUS and PHOT. STCK does not respawn when killed by this.
    VACI - Vaccine, makes STCK INVINSIBLE with it's ctype. Also stops/reverses VIRS like SOAP. Melts into SOAP.
    OSNG - Opposite Singurality. Acts like SING, only with opposite Pressure/Gravity. Essentialy powdered White Hole, only more Vionlent.
    STM3 (NOT STOLEN!!!!!) - Thrid Stickman! Control him with Num Lock's 8,4,6, and 2. (Up, Left, Right, Special)

    COPE - Copper, Conducts very fastly and both recieves/gives to ALL conductors (Even INWR). Heats up pretty quickly. The electricity in COPE does not affect stickman. Also formed from NBLE fusions. Rusts with Salt, only slower than IRON. Use silver or gold to bring back. Blocks Acids. Also grows along Condctors like Shield.


    Feel Free to criticize,

     BUT :

    Stop Criticizing with NTRG and/or DYNA!!!!!

    Edited 8 times by Philip153. Last: 26th Jan 2015
  • LiquidCaesium
    26th Jan 2015 Member 1 Permalink

    Some things to note:


    "Stop Criticizing with NTRG and/or DYNA!!!!!"

    They're criticized for a reason. It's not like they would be added when there's something wrong with it. I understand it as a method to avoid destructive criticism and not criticism overall, but still.


    HELM: Changing HYGN fusion cycle would most likely break saves.

    CARB: It's not a good idea that a reaction produces DMND, at least in my opinion.

    NTRG: Nitrogen does not burn at low temperatures but it only burns in high temperatures (roughly 7000 C). Also adding nitrogen is too late now as we can't change the LN2 evaporation reaction (would break saves) and adding NTRG but not the LN2 evaporation reaction will surely confuse people.

    DYNA: Dynamite more powerful than nuclear explosions? It seems too silly.

    BRME: To avoid respawning this would remove SPWN / SPWN2 particles? It's impossible otherwise due to the way it currently works.


    Overall: This whole thread lacks the most important *any* element suggestion page needs - possible uses. Without them, they're just "fun elements" with on uses and therefore very unlikely to be anymore added. (In the past, elements were added more easily, afaik)

    Edited once by LiquidCaesium. Last: 26th Jan 2015
  • Darthan
    26th Jan 2015 Member 1 Permalink

    @Philip153 (View Post)

    CBLT sounnds like a good idea, but it should be a solid, and there should also be a BCBT (broken cobalt) that is a heavy powder like you suggested.


    Instead of STM3, there should be ISTM (indestructible stickman), because without mods, there is no way to make stickman invulnerable, which I kinda need for one of my saves.

    Edited 4 times by Darthan. Last: 26th Jan 2015
  • orcasaves
    26th Jan 2015 Member 1 Permalink

    @Philip153 (View Post)

     Cool list I hope these get added later on :D

  • CubicApocalypse
    26th Jan 2015 Member 1 Permalink

    Let's just add the whole periodic table while we're at it.

  • Michael238
    26th Jan 2015 Member 1 Permalink

    Two things. While you describe calcium as healing to stickmen, it should actually harm them, because calcium reacts with water to form hydrogen and calcium hydroxide. This includes the water in the human body, which is why calcium metal is not handled with bare hands. Second, fluorine reacts violently with almost anything, except for compounds that already contain fluorine atoms. An example is that water will actually burn in fluorine to make hydrogen fluoride and oxygen gas. As a result, it would rapidly ignite and corrode virtually all elements in TPT.

  • NF
    26th Jan 2015 Member 1 Permalink

    @Philip153 (View Post)

     I once suggested Nitrogen and it got its fair share of likes. 

    But this thread is missing alot of information.

  • jward212
    26th Jan 2015 Member 2 Permalink

    Lead isn't brittle it's soft and mercury, uranium, plutonium, gold, tungsten are way heavier then lead

    "NICK - Nickel. Mix with IRON to form TTAN" what!?!?!? Ni + Fe => Ti !?!?!?

    bismuth is also soft, irl diamonds and glass are brittle not lead or bismuth, they are soft

     copper dosn't Corrode in salt, it does tarnish tho

    Edited once by jward212. Last: 27th Jan 2015
  • Philip153
    27th Jan 2015 Member 0 Permalink



    OK, Let's keep Helium out of the Fusion Cycle.

    THAN we could say NICE -> LN2 -> NTRG and name the gas NTRG. NITR is a CONPLETELY DIFFERENT WORLD.

    ALSO, The Diamond from CARB is powdered Diamond (hidden) (PDMD)

    THEY'RE NOT FUN ELEMENTS! Would YOU like it if I said that Your Suggestions Were made for fun? ;(

    But I should thank you for the good feedback because my chemistry is not excellent.

    P.S. DYNA only explodes that vionlent with IGNC.




    I was simulating Calcium being good for the bones :D




    TTAN means STEEL here. So We add a new one called STEL - Steel. Very strong. Conducts and is not brittle.




    Thanks for the good feedback! If I create  a mod with these, I willl credit you for Stickman No.3 :D




    Thank you very Much!!!!!




    Edited 7 times by Philip153. Last: 27th Jan 2015
  • jward212
    27th Jan 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    "TTAN means STEEL here" don't see how TTAN looks anything like steel... if any thing it would be metl(in current TPT ,molten iron + coal = metl -- carbon steel... so iron + nick = metl... rebar blend steel!?!?!?!)