Some New (Cool) Element Ideas

  • Philip153
    23rd Jan 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    These are all done by me, not copied/stolen. You are free to create a mod with these ideas with credit :D



    HELM - Helium, Made from Hydrogen Fusion. Fuses into CO2 at very high temp/pressure. Does not ignite.

    LITH - Litium, Conducts Electricity and Explodes with only WATR. Takes a long time to burm/crack.

    SODM - Sodium, Explodes in water and does not conduct. 1000C to melt. Mix with CAUS to form SALT.

    (Simulating Cl + Na = NaCl)

    MAGN - Magnesium. Conducts Both Heat and Electricity. Brittle and activates/diactivates Powered Materials, too (You Spark Once, Goes On. You spark Twice, Goes Off, and so on (3,4,5,......))

    COPE - Copper, Conducts very fastly and both recieves/gives to ALL conductors (Even INWR). Heats up pretty quickly. The electricity in COPE does not affect stickman. Also formed from NBLE fusions. Rusts with Salt, only slower than IRON. Use silver or gold to bring back. Blocks Acids. Also grows along Condctors like Shield.

    SILV - Silver, Brings back Water/Salt/Acid corrosions. Forms crystals and glistens like DMG and BOMB.

    BELR - Berilium, Conducts Electricity and harmful to Stickman.

    BRON - Boron, Conducts electricity but does not conduct heat.

    CARB - Carbon, turns to 50% DMND, 50% GRPH when under High temp/pressure.

    GRPH - Graphite, allows stickman to draw free, inaffectable lines. The lines can be colored by deco.

    SUGR - Sugar, melts into water to form SGWR. Stickman's health grow in contact with SUGR.

    SGWR - Sugar Water, also improves stickman's health. Vaporizes/Freezes at 150C/-50C.

    OSNG - Opposite Singularity, does the exact thing SING does, only with negative gravity.

    NTRG - Nitrogen. Explosive, formed from HELM Fusion. Cools into NICE. Mix with PSTE to form NITR.

    STOP - Stops changes in elements and Virus.

    VACI - Vaccine. When Stickman's ctype turns to VACI, he is unaffected by Virusses.

    STM3 - Third Stickman! Control him with Num Lock's 4(left), 8(Up), 6(Right), and 2(Special).

    TRTI - Tritium, Radioactive, slowly decays into DUTE and PHOT.

    DUTE - Deuterium, created by DEUT with WATR. Fissions by Neutrons like DEUT.

    THOR - Thorium. fissiones by protons. Radioactive.

    CRBI - Carbon Isotopes, tells how long a element has been there by it's tmp.

    U235 -  Uranium-235. Unlike Uranium, Fissiones 10,000 times more vionlently than PLUT or DEUT.

    LGHT - Light. Allows Plants to grow and affects many elements.

    HEUP - Heat-Up. Heats up elements up to 1,000,000 Degrees Celsius!

    PRSG - Pressure Singularity, Creates Pressure up to 500.

    CESM - Cesium, Explodes with water and conducts.

    RADM - Radium, Radioactive. Will form Energy + Pressure + PLUT + Heat + More of itself with photons.

    MCRY - Modified CRAY, shoots elements in ONLY the direction opposite where it was Sparked.



    Edited 3 times by Philip153. Last: 25th Jan 2015
  • FeynmanLogomaker
    23rd Jan 2015 Member 1 Permalink

    Helium is pretty much OXYG with a different name

    LITH: Sort of like RBDM, but long burning could be useful.

    BELR: Not very useful, electricity is already harmful to stkm


    BRON: Actually sounds pretty useful, I might make that if no one else does


    GRPH: Sounds interesting, but not very easy to make

    SUGR/SGWR: Interesting, but not very useful


    OSNG: Could be really useful for explosives, maybe someone should make that


    NTRG: All of those can be done with other elements, and I can't really think of a situation where you would need something that does all of them


    STOP: VIRS can be stopped with SOAP, and the other thing doesn't really make sense. Something that stops all reactions could be useful though, and I think that's what you're saying.


    VACI: Only has one use, it would be better to just make an existing element like SOAP do that

    STM3: Maybe but probably not.

    TRTI: maybe, but we already have nuclear elements that can do those

    DUTE: Check out DEUT's description

    THOR: Also like DEUT

    CRBI: How would that work? There's no current property for an particle's age, and adding one would significantly slow down the simulation

    U235: I doubt exploding 10,000 times more violently than DEUT is even possible; just set DEUT's life to 65535 to make it more powerful.

    LGHT: Use WATR to make plants grow, and "affects many elements" is way too vague to ever be implemented.

    HEUP: The simulation temperature only goes up to 9725.85, and you can heat things up pretty well with LIFE

    PRSG: Use PUMP - but pressure can only go up to 256.

    CESM: That's exactly what RBDM does.


    RADM: That sounds pretty useful for explosives, maybe reactors too.


    MCRY: That's how CRAY already works.

  • Lord_Bowserinator
    23rd Jan 2015 Member 1 Permalink

    For MCRY just block off the directions you don't want with INSL, leaving only the direction you want

  • Philip153
    24th Jan 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    @Feynman Thank you.

    BUT :


    I never said that BELR was harmful ONLY with electricity. BELR itself is harmaful, conducting or not conducting.

    U235 Explodes 10,000 times vionlently in responce to life (i.e. If U235 life is 10,000, It will explode 10,000 times more vionlently than DEUT 10,000 Life)

    CRBI measures things seconds (I mean that the time an element has stayed with out stated change/out of the screen).

    In Some Reaction/Saves, The temp is up to 50,000+ and the pressure is 300+ with some SING bombs. I can show you a screenshot (No Photoshop).


    The Fusion Process is now :

    Hydrogen -> Helium

    Helium -> Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen

    Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen -> Magnesium, Sodium

    Magnesium, Sodium -> Noble Gas

    Noble Gas -> Broken Metal


    BUT thanks for the good criticism.


    @Michael238 Thank You




    In some saves the temp is 50,000+ and The pressure formed by mixing DEST and DMG goes up to nearly 500.

    Edited 2 times by Philip153. Last: 24th Jan 2015
  • Michael238
    24th Jan 2015 Member 1 Permalink

    The thing is, there are three hard limits as to how big an explosion can be, all of which can be accomplished by DEUT. The first limit is that the maximum number of particles that can exist at any one time is exactly 235,008. The second limit is that nothing can be heated over 9725.85 degrees. The final limit is that pressure is limited between -256 and 256. As a final note, plutonium fission bombs are more powerful and efficient than their uranium-235 counterparts.

  • ShaiserShmaiser2000
    24th Jan 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    Where I can download this mod?

  • CeeJayBee
    24th Jan 2015 Member 0 Permalink
    @ShaiserShmaiser2000 (View Post)
    It's just a bunch of suggestions for the actual game, not in a mod. Some of these could be quite simple to mod, however (looking at you @FeynmanLogomaker)
  • Darthan
    24th Jan 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    I have suspitions that stickman 3 was stolen from me, because I suggested that and suggested exactly what you said it should do.


    Edited once by Darthan. Last: 24th Jan 2015
  • CeeJayBee
    24th Jan 2015 Member 0 Permalink
    Darthan, what do you mean... STM3 is a pretty generic element. And numpad is also pretty generic for 3-player things.
  • Sylvi
    24th Jan 2015 Moderator 0 Permalink

    Moved to feedback area, requiring credit for ideas isn't something enforceable either.