More Radioactive Stuff!

  • zapdog
    27th Nov 2014 Member 1 Permalink

    I think the nuclear tab is insufficient. Here are some suggestions:

    Seiverts (Sv on HUD)-Measures radiation, for the HUD. The more seiverts, the more faded the element's colors get. Too many seiverts can kill STKM and FIGH. Can protect things from Sv with INSL. 5 Sv gives STKM/STK2 cancer, which slowly drains the STKM's health. 10 Sv can kill a stickman in about 5 minutes ingame.

    If at least 500 Sv can kill a STKM instantly.

    ISOZ, ISZS, URAN, PLUT, GRPT, RADN all produce Sv.

    GRPT-Graphite, powder, produces heat and pressure when exposed to NEUT, used in nuclear reactors like Chernobyl. Slowly decays and contaminates whatever it touches with seivels.

    RADN-Radon gas, infects RADI.

    RADI-Radioactive waves, energy, contaminates other elements with seiverts.

    GRGC-Geiger counter, produces SPRK in various intervals when infected with seivels. I.E, if insanely high seivels, produces a constant tone of SPRK. If very low, about one spark each second. If at a fatal dose (for stickmen), it should turn red.

    BNAN-Banana, very, very low seiverts when spawned. Just for lols.

    RADW-Radioactive water. Produced by steam infected with high amounts of Sv.

    RDSN-Radioactive snow. Water frozen, exposed to pressure, and infected with Sv.


    SPECIAL tab:

    HAZM-Hazmat suit, turns STKM/STK2 yellow and protects from super-high doses of Sv.

    GASM-Gas mask, makes STKM/STK2's face gray and protects it from gasses infected with Sv and VRSG.

    That's all I got. I plan for this to be a mod.

    Edited once by Fluffywalrus55. Last: 27th Nov 2014
  • ROHANman
    27th Nov 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    This is a really cool mod sugestion. Where it will find it's place in Vanilla TPT, I don't know... these elements seem too gimicky, as you said yourself


    However, if this were to be implimented into a mod, tweaking the stickmen will benifit you, as their current state is glitchy and unpredictable.

    Edited once by ROHANman. Last: 27th Nov 2014
  • greymatter
    28th Nov 2014 Member 0 Permalink
    @Fluffywalrus55 (View Post)
    Too many elements suggested at once and the problem of reverse compatibility. This is unlikely to get implemented,
  • boxmein
    28th Nov 2014 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    @Fluffywalrus55 (View Post)
    Sieverts are a strictly biological-effect unit - besides why should there be another invisible layer for radiation? Radiation particles are clearly visible and therefore /their/ energy output to a kilogram of matter should be counted instead, and that's done in Grays (J/kg).

    Another way obvious point is that TPT doesn't exactly have a system of units - everything is arbitrary. There's been no attempts to fit realistic thermodynamics or anything realistic unit-wise into the game, so talking about Sieverts and Grays in TPT doesn't really make sense.
  • Klus
    28th Nov 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    I would suggest: boron-absorbs neutrons

  • tmo97
    1st Dec 2014 Banned 0 Permalink
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