Try using more walls around the edges (at least 3 wall tiles on each side).
Pressure and velocity are reduced in a range of up to 3 wall tiles from the edge, by multiplying by 0.8 for pressure and 0.9 for velocity.
If the pressure in the save is negative, this reduction is effectively a positive pressure source with strength proportional to the magnitude of the negative pressure. So there is air flowing in from the sides of the save, towards the top of the save - this produces the triangles of air around the edges, and the tapering column. The velocity is highest in the top corners because the pressure difference is over a very small distance, as opposed to over the entire height of the save, so the velocity produced is higher.
It's not symmetrical because the pressure reduction is not symmetrical, it's 3 tiles on the top and left, and 2 tiles on the right and bottom. (Velocity is 2 tiles on all sides.) If you remove the wall tiles on the sides, it looks fairly symmetrical (this is probably why the pressure reduction is not symmetrical - so that the resulting effect is symmetrical when there's nothing around the edges).