Directional Instant
drawn like pipe. make a line and delete one end. that becomes the output end, spark only comes out of that end on that one end surface, will recieve spark from any other surface. will accept spark from regular INST and PSCN. will give spark to regular INST and NSCN. spark only moves in one direction.
will make for faster diodes in INST circuits
will make multi input gates made without using seperate diodes (NSCN-METL-PSCN) to have a one way INST circuit.
it will improve the ability to time circuits to complete in an 8 frame cycle as the direct INST to DNST will take less frames.
yes but a diode for inst to inst eats 2 or 3 frames. it is important that DNST can pass spark to and get spark from INST. being able to use PSCN and NSCN is for user with other conductors. With DNST one could make long paths of directional circuits with circuits attacting to it along its path without a bunch of diodes.