Besides the battery that we already have. There should be a limited one:
1. It will have a limited amount of energy, that will be shown via a percentege or bar, wich will be seen when the element is being moused over. (can also be shown via the life/temp of the element)
2. It will only conduct electricity to PSCN and will only aquire electricity through NSCN.
3. Electricity from it will only travel through wires if it has an interactive object at the end of it. (TNT, LCRY etc..)
4. It will aquire new power from other batteries, solar panels, nuclear reactors etc..
That's an idea. It will probably never be implimented, but it's worth a shot eh?
Besides the battery that we already have. There should be a limited one:
1. It will have a limited amount of energy, that will be shown via a percentege or bar, wich will be seen when the element is being moused over.
2. It will only conduct electricity to PSCN and will only aquire electricity through NSCN.
3. Electricity fromit will only travel through wires if it has an interactive object at the end of it. (TNT, LCRY etc..)
4. It will aquire new power from other batteries, solar panels, nuclear reactors etc..
That's an idea. It will probably never be implimented, but it's worth a shot eh?
it would need to check through each particle that's connected to make sure there is something at the end- that check would become expensive with large amounts of wires and would probably even crash the game if the wire was formed in such a way that electricity perpetually traveled back and forth(which is possible)
Well, yes i can see some problems with the design. But if they descide to implement it, i'm sure they'll find a solution, they aren't being forced to do it exactly as I have said.
3. Electricity fromit will only travel through wires if it has an interactive object at the end of it. (TNT, LCRY etc..)
Great idea! even though I can make limited batteries using some compact stuff and make it as small as possible but having a one pixel of limited battery will save a lot of space
I made that rule so it wouldn't waste energy going through empty wires.
i agree and that instade havve a click swich that actavates and deactivaes on the batery.