Donttouchmydart suggestions

  • donttouchmydart3
    26th Sep 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    thermal boots

    how to obtain: touch conductor wall with a player

    ablities:Can witstand temp up to 1000 C

    Can crush ice,wax,goo,nice and brmt IF you jump high enough

    cons:Jump height is reduced by 20%

    pros:Speed is incresed by 10%

    Edited once by donttouchmydart3. Last: 27th Sep 2014
  • FeynmanLogomaker
    26th Sep 2014 Member 5 Permalink
    This sounds kind of interesting. Would there be any other uses?
  • minecraft-physics
    26th Sep 2014 Member 2 Permalink
    would actually be a really good idea to add some way to make stickmen immune to heat– it tends to be a bit of an issue when trying to use the plasma boots to navigate a save full of meltable/conductive elements...
  • Sandwichlizard
    26th Sep 2014 Member 1 Permalink

    if they just SLOWED damage from heat by 90% it would be cool.

  • PTuniverse
    26th Sep 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    *sigh* Another Powder Game migrant, I assume... Stickmen don't have TOO many uses, their physics is broken anyway... Why would you give something worthless something that doesn't solve the problem? All I could see it is being used is for your stupid parkour saves 

  • zBuilder
    27th Sep 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    if you guys really want people to stop sugesting changes to STKM, why even keep it included?

    it's mere presence is an incentive for people to sugest fixes to apparently broken behaviour,because for the other parts of the game trying to fix broken things is encouraged.

  • donttouchmydart3
    27th Sep 2014 Member 0 Permalink



    opposite of grvt


    Edited 2 times by donttouchmydart3. Last: 29th Sep 2014
  • NF
    27th Sep 2014 Member 0 Permalink
  • ISproductions
    29th Sep 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    @PTuniverse (View Post)

     yeah but parkour would be fun and plus it has physics involved. :B

  • donttouchmydart3
    29th Sep 2014 Member 0 Permalink



    damages particles.

    may set particles on fire.

    Usually  red, but temperatures can change the color

    1. orange at 500
    2. yellow at 651-1000
    3. green at 1001-1750
    4. blue at 1751-2500
    5. purple at 2501-3500
    6. white at 3500-9000
    7. decays at 9001-maximum temp