Added: SMTX: Semtex. Plastic explosive that can melt metal. H2: Hydrogen gas, can melt metal LBMB: Lava bomb. Explodes into lava when it touches something. TITA: Titanium. Just like METL, but melts at higher temperatures. VRUS: Virus. Turns whatever it touches into more virus. MRPH: Morph. Turns into whatever it touches. AGAS: Acid gas. CO2: Carbon dioxide. Heavy gas. Not flammable. ETHL: Ethyl alcohol. (drinking alcohol) Burns. DICE: Dry ice. Solid form of CO2
Changes: Fixed smoke glitch. Yeast now produces CO2 and ETHL when it grows. O2 is a little bit less spastic looking.
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DAVPPK: The link does work, I just clicked on it. tman5000: It could be cyanide gas, but cyanide might make it in as another element in liquid and gas forms, as a poison