LOGT - TPT Universal Logic Gate

  • Aloysius1234
    28th Jun 2014 Member 6 Permalink

    Simply, it's just a modified DTEC that can be useful for electronic.

    Okay, here it is.

    LOGT - Logic Gate; PSCN for input, NSCN for output, and set its tmp for setting the type of the gate.


    Here is the tmp list

    1: OR (<- I don't think this would be useful...)

    2: AND

    3: XOR

    4: NOR

    5: NAND

    6: XNOR



    • If there are 2 PSCN near LOGT with tmp 2 (AND), and both of PSCN is SPRKed, then it will gives SPRK into nearby NSCN.
    • If there are 3 PSCN near LOGT with tmp 2 (AND), and only 2 from 3 of the PSCN is SPRKed, then it will not gives SPRK into nearby NSCN.
    • If there are 2 PSCN near LOGT with tmp 3 (XOR), and both of PSCN is SPRKed, then it will not gives SPRK into nearby NSCN.

    Simple, isn't it?

    Usage: Everything electronics, 1 pixel logic gate.


    Any idea?

  • nucular
    28th Jun 2014 Member 1 Permalink
    inb4 "kills the fun of having to build large, inefficient and error-prone gates from other stuff"
  • h4zardz1
    28th Jun 2014 Member 0 Permalink
    anyway, 3 pixel of things is enough to create 3 type of gates.
    OR (this is too simple it forgotten..)
    AND (two inputs, really)
    NOT (only one is NOT, and not auto)
    Edited 3 times by h4zardz1. Last: 28th Jun 2014
  • minecraft-physics
    29th Jun 2014 Member 0 Permalink
    @h4zardz1 (View Post)
    The problem with PTCT and NTCT is that they take a while to cool down, creating errors when you're using them for very rapid electronics.

    @Aloysius1234 (View Post)
    It'd be good to have the GUI display the mode it's in (like FILT) when you mouseover it. Support, but I have a couple of improvements:

    Rather than using NSCN/PSCN, it should use a combination of METL and INWR
    Make it only register SPRKs within a 3x3 square centred on itself. It'd make the gates considerably smaller, and since METL doesn't conduct to INWR, you don't have to worry about the SPRK jumping.
    Make it insulate SPRK, and be indestructible This'd prevent SPRK from jumping across the pixel in the middle.
  • Aloysius1234
    29th Jun 2014 Member 0 Permalink


    It'd be good to have the GUI display the mode it's in (like FILT) when you mouseover it. Support, but I have a couple of improvements:

    Rather than using NSCN/PSCN, it should use a combination of METL and INWR
    Make it only register SPRKs within a 3x3 square centred on itself. It'd make the gates considerably smaller, and since METL doesn't conduct to INWR, you don't have to worry about the SPRK jumping.
    Make it insulate SPRK, and be indestructible This'd prevent SPRK from jumping across the pixel in the middle.



    Thank you for support. I'll make the METL input and INWR output. Why?

    • METL can receive BRAY signal.
    • INWR is passable through BRAY signal, while it can send BRAY too.

    Also, how 'bout the 7th tmp: Adder, with METL as inputs, INWR as output, and PTCT/NTCT as Carry?

  • minecraft-physics
    29th Jun 2014 Member 0 Permalink
    @Aloysius1234 (View Post)
    It doesn't have to be those particular elements, I was just trying to reduce the physical size of the logic gates PTCT and NTCT might be better actually, since they can both receive SPRK from BRAY.
    How about the 8th tmp is NOT as well?
  • nucular
    29th Jun 2014 Member 0 Permalink
    I already started to add LOGT to my mod, with a slightly modified mode order, and using METL and INWR as the inputs/outputs might be confusing as PSCN and NSCN are used as the main part of electronics everywhere. I even thought about adding two INPT and OUTP elements that neither heat up when conducting heat, nor melt (but they'd break at 200 Pressure, just like my LOGT).
  • jenn4
    29th Jun 2014 Member 0 Permalink
    @nucular (View Post)
    You could also mod LOGT to reset the temperature of any nearby PSCN and NCSN to 0°C each frame. But maybe just with certain ctype, so you could cool your electronics manually if wanted.
    Edited 2 times by jenn4. Last: 29th Jun 2014
  • greymatter
    30th Jun 2014 Member 0 Permalink
    @Aloysius1234 (View Post)
    Nice! But really complicated for the newbies...
    People who are experienced can make their own logic gates, and people who are not won't be confused by such an element.
    Also, making logic gates is part of the fun of making electronic saves.

    That said, this is a great idea, and would increase the potential of electronic saves in TPT. +1 from me.