@minecraft-physics (View Post)
From what I see you can cool elements with fire in real life because that fire can heat elements to a particular amount of temperature and stop.
If you have an element that melt in very high temperature that fire can't reach, you can't melt it using fire because fire is able to heat things to a particular amount of temperature after that you need to use another tool that makes a super heated fire.
If you put some water in the fridge (not that freezer) the water won't freeze but it will reach a particular amount of temperature.
If you put a ball in an endless diagonal way if will speed up until a particular speed and stop until you make the way more diagonal then, it will speed up and stop speeding.
That is what I think but I like the idea of heating coal and ignite it will make a heat fire.
@minecraft-physics (View Post)
It's okay I am even not sure about example 1 but I am sure about example 2 and 3. I am NOT a scientist that saw an apple fall to the ground and asked why did it fall, WHAT do you want it to fly to the sky ? I wish it was a watermelon falled on his head and died. YOU MADE MY EDUCATION HARDER >:(.
Probably due the fact most suggestions to elements would break a large part of saves.
@minecraft-physics (View Post)
Well, for some flammables, the evaporation caused by the flash point and resultant burning (alcohol in particular) would cause it to be cooled, as it evaporates...