Wifi, like most other elements,melts at a certian temperature. Therefore, you can only use temp channels up to it;
And besides, getting a large block of Wifi to the same temp channel is tough at best. I propose that we have Channels set by The Wifi's TMP Value, giving us much more channels to work with, and eliminating heat as a denaturing factor.
Okay, I'll admit that WIFI doesn't melt under extreme heat, But using TMP to control channels still could be useful.
TMP does Not control WIFI
Each WIFI shown has a Differ TMP value.
Spark one and they all send out a spark...
Now if you would just look, you see that a higher TEMP gives a higher TMP value, giving WIFI a different color.
I know that if you want to set the TMP of wifi for example to 34 you will use PROP change the TEMP to 3400
100temp = 1tmp
200temp = 2tmp
Xtemp = X\100tmp
if the highest tmp of wifi was 12345 then you will set the temp 1234500 (just add 00)
I think it will be better if temp doesn't control tmp
What would be the point of changing which variable is used?
Life and tmp are just names of integers, it doesn't really make any difference which one is used (except it's easy to make life decrement each frame, so life tends to be used for things like PHOT lifetime). Using temp makes it easy to change the channel with the heat and cool tools, for people who aren't familiar with PROP and what all the properties do.