Element Suggestion: BASE and LTMS

  • lefouduroi
    2nd May 2014 Member 3 Permalink
    This thread is suggesting two new elements and a property change for another:

    1. BASE- obiously a base. Would be placed in the "liquids" section next to ACID. (color = white)

    Ok. you know how there is already an element named "ACID" right? Well why not add a base? If you've ever heard of a PH scale, then you would know that bases counteract acids and guess what?!! They combine to form saltwater BASE would have similar properties to ACID like so:

    -Conduct electricity



    -Counteracts with ACID to form either SLTW or WTRV + SALT (on the ground)

    -Would cause LTMS to turn Blue.

    2. LTMS- Litmus paper. Would be placed in the "solids" or "specials" section. (color = you choose)

    LTMS would basically be an indestructible solid that would serve as an indicator and change colors based on if ACID or BASE is touching it. In the case that both are touching it or WATR touches it, then it returns to normal color.

    -Insulates electricity


    -Changes color based on surroundings

    -Serves as an indicator for ACID or BASE

    3. A few changes to the properties of ACID:

    -Make it conductive

    -Make it counteract with BASE to form either SLTW or WTRV + SALT (on the ground)

    -Make it turn LTMS red.

  • greymatter
    2nd May 2014 Member 2 Permalink
    @lefouduroi (View Post)
    1)SOAP is already a base.
    2)Why would we need an indicator?
    3)Maybe ACID can react with SOAP to form SLTW. It doesn't do that now.
  • xetalim
    2nd May 2014 Member 0 Permalink


  • lefouduroi
    2nd May 2014 Member 0 Permalink
    @xetalim (View Post)
    @greymatter (View Post)

    1. I know SOAP is already a base, but there are others, like NaOH. yes, it should have the same effects, but it's kind of annoying when you're trying to combine ACID and SOAP when the SOAP is in bubbles. BASE wouldn't make bubbles.

    2. Indicators are just cool things to have that's it. It can be used for decoration maybe or assist in the creation of something with its indestructible ability.

    3. I know it could do that. There are more bases than just SOAP. It think that SOAP should either be renamed to BASE or keep its property of bubble-making and being dissloved in ACID as if ACID's PH level was higher than the SOAP's and create a new element named "BASE".

    4. I also mentioned that both ACID and BASE should be conductive. What do you think?

    Edited once by lefouduroi. Last: 2nd May 2014
  • h4zardz1
    2nd May 2014 Member 1 Permalink
    @lefouduroi (View Post)
    1. there is another base you can use: CONV.
    2.indestructable is in frame. you can simply use STOR(ACID),CONV(EMBR)+DTEC(EMBR), DTEC(SOAP), and some array of FILT+CRAY.
    3.A.rather than making it conductive, make it generate spark when it touches a conductive thing.
    B.we need to add life for the base level. (like SOAP, but, are soap already have life property?)
    4.soap is conductive‽
  • lefouduroi
    2nd May 2014 Member 0 Permalink
    1. CONV Doesn't have the properties of the BASE I'm describing. Besides, how is that a base?
    2. Like I said, it's just a cool thing. I'm not completely sure it would be added, but it would just be cool.
    3.Acids and Bases don't create electricity, they only conduct.
  • h4zardz1
    3rd May 2014 Member 0 Permalink
    @lefouduroi (View Post)
    3.B (are soap already have life property?)
  • lefouduroi
    3rd May 2014 Member 0 Permalink
    I don't know what you're talking about there.
  • h4zardz1
    4th May 2014 Member 0 Permalink
    @lefouduroi (View Post)
    i mean, is soap already implementing life for anything?
  • lefouduroi
    5th May 2014 Member 0 Permalink
    Not that I know of.... Anyways, do you like the idea or not?
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