New Element Suggestion: ETHN (Ethanol)

  • NF
    17th Apr 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    Name: ETHN 

    Colour: Light Grey

    Category: Liquid

    Uses: Ethanol burns to give carbon dioxide and water and can be used as a fuel in its own right, or mixtures with (Gasoline). Gasohol containing 10-20% ethanol. Introduction to The Powder Toy, it could be used as a rocket fuel instead of adding rocket fuel and ethanol can be collected from VINE and PLNT since plant and vine are organic and ethanol, is organic fuel also, it can be used as combustion. Ethanol could be used, as an aternitive to OIL. Also Yest, Can form alcohol. 

     Alcohol (ethanol) should have the ability to cool things down as it evaporates. It should also start vaporizing at a low temp. Say 56 c. It would of course turn into GAS but instead of turning into oil when gas condenses, it would turn back onto ethanol. The flame would burn a very light blue and burn hot. Can be diluted with water to lower the burn temp and speed. The way this would work is life. The higher the life, the higher the percentage of ethanol. Anything lower than 20 life will not burn. Will also take a lot more to vaporize when diluted. Diluted ethanol will release WTRV when heated to a temp above 100. Uses would be rockets, cooling, fuel, production plants,etc. By Randalserrano.


    Name: ALCH

    Colour: Light Blue

    Category: Explosives

    Uses:  Look at The Powder Sim. ALCH (Alcohol.) Flame color purple.


    Name: METN

    Colour: Greenish Brown

    Category: Liquid

    Uses: Like ETHN and ALCH put together. Methanol produced, from wood. Flame color green.


    Name: BUTA

    Colour: Light Cyan.

    Category: Explosives 

    Uses:  Butanol is considered as a potential biofuel (butanol). Butanol at 85 percent strength can be used in cars designed for gasoline (petrol) without any change to the engine (unlike 85% ethanol), and it contains more energy for a given volume than ethanol and almost as much as gasoline, so a vehicle using butanol would return fuel consumption more comparable to gasoline than ethanol. Butanol can also be used as a blended additive to diesel fuel to reduce soot emissions. Flame color dark red.





    Edited 9 times by NUCLEAR_FOX. Last: 17th Apr 2014
  • randalserrano
    17th Apr 2014 Member 1 Permalink

    Umm... yest? Hint hint.

  • NF
    17th Apr 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    I just added, Yest can form Alcohol.

  • minecraft-physics
    17th Apr 2014 Member 1 Permalink

    "alternative to OIL" Why would we want ethanol instead of OIL/NITR? their properties are basically the same, there's no point adding elements that are effectively duplicates of existing elements. Want a slow-burning liquid? use OIL. Want a highly explosive, fast-burning liquid? use NITR. Want something in between? use LRBD. We really really really don't need more samey explosive liquids, there are enough useless explosives kept there for "posterity" and Ethanol is not different enough from them to merit a new element. The devs really aren't into making tonnes of elements that nobody will use, I mean, the last element they added was suggested more than a year ago: for a new element to get added it needs to be pretty darn good and original, otherwise it just becomes part of the sea of mediocrity that is the Feedback section. TPT is so fun because almost every element has vastly different properties: the only reason for something to be added is for it to enable new experiences for the player that they couldn't have without this element.

    Edited once by minecraft-physics. Last: 17th Apr 2014
  • randalserrano
    17th Apr 2014 Member 1 Permalink

    Alcohol (ethanol) should have the ability to cool things down as it evaporates. It should also start vaporizing at a low temp. Say 56 c. It would of course turn into GAS but instead of turning into oil when gas condenses, it would turn back onto ethanol. The flame would burn a very light blue and burn hot. Can be diluted with water to lower the burn temp and speed. The way this would work is life. The higher the life, the higher the percentage of ethanol. Anything lower than 20 life will not burn. Will also take a lot more to vaporize when diluted. Diluted ethanol will release WTRV when heated to a temp above 100. Uses would be rockets, cooling, fuel, production plants,etc.

    Edited 2 times by randalserrano. Last: 17th Apr 2014
  • NF
    17th Apr 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    @randalserrano (View Post)

    Thank you for your feedback and time to post.

  • Box-Poorsoft
    18th Apr 2014 Banned 0 Permalink
    This post is hidden because the user is banned
  • minecraft-physics
    18th Apr 2014 Member 2 Permalink

    elements have to be new and interesting to get added, just because it exists in real life, doesn't mean it's a good idea to add it to the game.

    BTW, Alcohol is the same thing as ethanol. The idea to have it evaporate spontaneously and endothermically (taking in heat) is an interesting one but it doesn't really seem like it would work: what would happen if you had a liquid that just spontaneously releases a bit of gas when it touches anything, cooling down as it goes? it's be like BUBW, but explosive and cryogenic. Realistic evaporation dynamics really don't work in TPT, since it is on such a zoomed-in scale (you can count the number of particles) and it doesn't simulate the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution of energy levels. (the game would have to simulate a lot of disparate energy levels rather than one smooth one among particles.) Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution

    Edited 3 times by minecraft-physics. Last: 29th Apr 2014
  • Amy
    20th Apr 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    @minecraft-physics (View Post)

     I don't see a reason why it wouldn't work. It could actually have some interesting uses.

  • randalserrano
    20th Apr 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    @minecraft-physics (View Post)

     Just so you know, I am 25 years old and have been with the powder toy community for quite some time. I have implemented elements into the game myself and have come up with ideas that later got implemented. As far as Ethanol goes, if you look at my post, I mentioned that it is alcohol. I dont understand how you think most of my suggestions are useless. Making it diluted with watr makes it act like sponge but in liquid form. It also would be the only explosive with adjustable flammability. I have no intentions on this being realistic knowing quite well since I have been in this community for so long that we arent looking for realism here. As far as the evaporation part goes, it would be quite useful in making refrigerators and condensors. As far as it cooling thongs down as it evaporates, it would be quite possible in ambient heat mode.