Some Changes To Radioactive Elements

  • yocheese
    13th Apr 2014 Member 2 Permalink

    Some changes that I think you would see on the next TPT update:


    1)Add new elements SPLU(Solid Plutonium) and SURA(Solid Uranium)

    2)Change URAN to U238

    3)Plutonium react more quickly with neutrons

    4)Add more subatomic elements XRAY, GAMR(Gamma Ray) and EPHT(Electromagnetic Photon)

    Edited once by yocheese. Last: 13th Apr 2014
  • NF
    13th Apr 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    @yocheese (View Post)

     Instead of these being elements how about changes to Plutonium and Uranium. Also (Photon) wasn't, coded by simon nor the developers it was coded by Skylark (Original Creator of The Powder Toy) also I would like to see Gamma Ray and X-Ray, Electromagnetic Photon. Just add uses, to these elements. I don't see plutonium, being updated since its an original element.

    Edited 3 times by NUCLEAR_FOX. Last: 13th Apr 2014
  • zBuilder
    14th Apr 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    XRAY and GAMR would be cool. not entirely sure what effect EPHT would have though.

  • NF
    14th Apr 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    @zBuilder (View Post)

     Thats, my question as well what would it do?

  • zBuilder
    14th Apr 2014 Member 0 Permalink


    @zBuilder (View Post)

     Thats, my question as well what would it do?


    I am not familiar with electromagnetic photons so I couldn't say what the functionality would be. XRAY and GAMR sound like they'd do what NEUT already does, though NEUT only has so many functions because it's been essentially the catch-all element for representing radiation.

  • NF
    14th Apr 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    @zBuilder (View Post)

     Well if you had, to make uses to these elements what would there uses be?

  • randalserrano
    14th Apr 2014 Member 1 Permalink

    Electromagnetic photons could possibly be useful. Imagine a photon changing its path according to where electricity (spark) is. So instead of using potentially damaging black and white holes, you can use sparks to direct it. And but of course it would possibly play a role in other reactions as well. (Fission)


    A way of turning a photon into an electromagnetic photon would be gamma rays. Gamma rays would also heat things from the inside out. (Think microwave) I have no clue if that would be possible without a lot of lag or not though.


    Xrays would essentially be able to go through anything but gold. If it touches gold, it causes it to spark. Possibly useful in wireless electronics. In order to make xrays, you have to cause a reaction between electromagnetic photons and protons. 

    Edited once by randalserrano. Last: 14th Apr 2014
  • NF
    14th Apr 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    @randalserrano (View Post)

     Those are some awesome uses.

  • minecraft-physics
    14th Apr 2014 Member 1 Permalink
    What if gamma, micro and X-rays are l the same element, changed by their tmp/life/temp?
  • NF
    14th Apr 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    @minecraft-physics (View Post)

     Gamma Rays, are large bursts of radiation in space. So XRAY is different.

    Edited once by NUCLEAR_FOX. Last: 14th Apr 2014