Transparent material that doesn't refract photons

  • Sparkette
    28th Nov 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    I think there should be a material like glass, but that photons can go through while staying white. You know, like what glass used to do before the photons were so awesome. Maybe diamond can do this, since diamond is transparent in real life, and metal could still be used for mirrors.

    Speaking of white photons, they should be white (like before) instead of that weird greenish color. Photons should only be green when they're, well, green.
  • Neospector
    28th Nov 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    I think there should be a material like glass, but that photons can go through while staying white.

    Liquid crystal turned on.
    Speaking of white photons, they should be white (like before) instead of that weird greenish color. Photons should only be green when they're, well, green.

    I agree on this. I mentioned it before, but no one believed me.
  • Hellome
    28th Nov 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    they have a slight green glow/tint
  • Hellome
    28th Nov 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    breakable metal lets photons throgh with out changeing their colour
  • Catelite
    28th Nov 2010 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    I agree a tiny bit about the green. Would probably be easy-ish to fix.

    Also, as far as materials that are transparent to photons but do not refract them:
  • Sparkette
    28th Nov 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    But some of them are still reflected.
  • Catelite
    28th Nov 2010 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    Flarn, use activated liquid crystal. :P It meets every requirement you described in your post and then some.

    It doesn't reflect, bend, or otherwise color photons.