So, to start off I'm not even sure it this is possible, but I'm throwing the idea out here anyways and trying to do it. My goal is to make the element COPR (Copper) which conducts SPRK faster than a normal metal (Similar to GOLD). I've gottan some good pointers, but I'm still not entirely sure how to make this work... If anyone could help, that would much appreciated.
And what do ya think I've been doin? -.-
Well, what different properties would it have from gold? I.E, why would I want to use it instead of gold? If you're going to make a slightly different version of GOLD, I suggest examining GOLD's code, or code from anybody else's conductive elements. A simple way of making it "faster" would be to just increase the transmission range, so parts 2 pixels away can be affected by, or something to that affect.