BVOD-breakable void

  • h4zardz1
    8th Apr 2014 Member 0 Permalink
    so, i like some kind of a new element for the walls. this kind of void is breakable like BCLN, but it wont delete anything when it is moving, except when it is moving to the void. all the properties of BVOD is like VOID, except it is breakable in pressure 10.
  • greymatter
    8th Apr 2014 Member 0 Permalink
    @h4zardz1 (View Post)
    If it doesn't delete anything it moves to, but only things that move to it, it kind of defeates the purpose.
  • h4zardz1
    9th Apr 2014 Member 0 Permalink
    @greymatter (View Post)
    it is not for mass destruction, it is for a wall.
  • greymatter
    9th Apr 2014 Member 0 Permalink
    @h4zardz1 (View Post)
    Well the first thing that popped into my head was "Eraser bombs!!!".
    And if it breaks at pressure 10, it won't stick around for long when an average bomb goes off near a wall.

    You can use BCLN(EMBR) to sheild against BOMB and sparked semiconductors to cool down things.
    I can't think of another reason why you would be needing breakable void because everything else generates pressure?
  • h4zardz1
    9th Apr 2014 Member 0 Permalink
    @greymatter (View Post)
    1. eraser bombs? that is OP.
    2. nah, this is useful to clean some bomb parts. the life of the broken void is 150, which can adsorb some frags and even stop LIGH strikes (which it is a cheat if you put VOID instead of BVOD, and mostly remove LIGH from cheat elements).
  • thespazz
    9th Apr 2014 Member 1 Permalink

    Breakable Void will be useful, but void now is already breakable to a point (pre-made elements like: bomb, dest, warp, ect).

    I think BVOD should be tmp adaptable to set it to not delete when it's moving.

  • h4zardz1
    10th Apr 2014 Member 0 Permalink
    @thespazz (View Post)
    i want a void that breaks without illegal elements