More lua scripts to download!

  • fdkill
    16th Mar 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    There is not enough lua scripts to download. 

    And there too many those codes like this:, "Colour", 0xAAAAFF).

    And can someone say where those must be inserted?

    Edited once by fdkill. Last: 16th Mar 2014
  • boxmein
    16th Mar 2014 Former Staff 2 Permalink
    @fdkill (View Post)
    Those are just the source code of the Lua script pasted into the webpage or a special website designed to host pastes, rather than distributing a file. This is often the preferred format, as it allows forum-goers to see the source code and judge the code without downloading extraneous files to do that.

    You can use them by copying everything in the source code into Notepad or your favorite plain-text editor (Word and WordPad are what we'd call rich text editors, those won't be good as they store formatting as well as the source code), and then saving the file with the extension ".lua". After that, just move the new ".lua" source file into where you first extracted The Powder Toy. After that, you can just open The Powder Toy, crack open the console and then type
    into the prompt.

    image image

    Edited once by boxmein. Last: 16th Mar 2014
  • fdkill
    17th Mar 2014 Member 1 Permalink

    thank you.

  • CycroEnerugi
    13th May 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    im on linux lol

  • CeeJayBee
    13th May 2014 Member 0 Permalink
    @CycroEnerugi (View Post)
    Linux works the same, if that's what you were asking.
  • FeynmanLogomaker
    13th May 2014 Member 0 Permalink
    Your lua icon is different from mine...


    Edited 3 times by FeynmanLogomaker. Last: 13th May 2014