My ideas

  • sfsjunior
    15th Mar 2014 Member 1 Permalink

    Hi powder toy people!

    I've thinked  in a future version of powder toy that can support not just lua, but python, js and other languages.

    Thanks for the attention!

  • mniip
    15th Mar 2014 Developer 1 Permalink
    @sfsjunior (View Post)
    Python was supported in the past, and it was terrible. By adding python to the game we will have to throw about 15 megabytes into the game. That's almost 4x of its current size, do you really want that?

    Also the API will be even more messed up that what it is, as there will be multiple, one for each language.

    What is wrong with lua anyway?
  • boxmein
    15th Mar 2014 Former Staff 2 Permalink
    Not the most terrible idea out there but it'd be extravagantly annoying to implement. Think about how this could be accomplished - by either packaging the interpreters with the game and providing proper bindings and an interface suitable for each language, making maintenance a nightmare and the program megabytes larger, or having to compile each of the languages into some intermediate format which is relatively okay to read and then TPT would only support that intermediate format?

    Lua is perfect to bind into a game since it's really small and quite quick in what it does, plus its C API doesn't suck. Python however, when it was first implemented in TPT, (Python was actually the language of choice for the API before Lua), it increased the size of the binary by 15 megabytes.. That's quite a lot. Imagine packaging the entire language interpreters for Javascript as well as other languages!

    edit: k it was 15 MB
    Edited once by boxmein. Last: 15th Mar 2014