Allow detection of BRAY's color

  • drakide
    14th Mar 2014 Member 4 Permalink

    Right now the color of photons can be detected using DTEC and 'copied' to surrounding FILT. FILT already works perfectly fine with BRAY, but DTEC sadly just ignores it. I suggest to make DTEC treat BRAY the same as photons.


    I know this sounds like a minor issue to most people, but believe it or not, it heavily impedes the creation of fast electronic devices. I am working on a new computer with Rawing right now (as always :-P) which could probably work twice as fast (That's about 4 frames per clock!) if this was implemented.



    I've implemented the feature. All that is necessary is to add the following lines after line 89 in DTEC.cpp:


    else if (parts[r>>8].type == PT_BRAY) // check whether the particle is BRAY
        photonWl = parts[r>>8].ctype;  // copy the color of the BRAY
        photonWl = photonWl ? photonWl : 0x3fffffff;  // if the color of the bray hasn't been set (it is still white) make the FILT white as well

    Edited 4 times by drakide. Last: 15th Mar 2014
  • tery215
    21st Mar 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    support, i'd like to have easily colored filt