NNWF - Non Newtonian Fluid
Color - Green #00FF00
Description: Non Newtonain Fluid: Changes between solid and liquid state when exposed to certain conditions, determined by tmp.
Tmp: If it's tmp is:
a) 0: Then the liquid will change statebecause of pressure.
b) 1: Then the liquid will change state because of gravity
c) 2: Then the liquid will change state beause of gravity
d) 3: Then the liquid will change state because of gravity and velocity
e) 4: Then the liquid will change state because of gravity and pressure
f) 5: Then the liquid will change state because of pressure and velocity
g) 6: Then the liquid will change state because of all of the above
This element will not change temp much like PUMP (Max 256). If it's temp is negative then it will be affected by pressure/gravity equal or below the temp value. If it's velocity then it will be affected by the nearest number to the value/256. Same goes for positive, except it will be affected by a value equal to or above.
When the element touches it's ctype, it will turn solid if it's temp is positive, liquid if it's temp is negative. if the temp is 0 then nothing will happen.
Properties: This liquid is indestructable. When liquid is a perfect heat and pressure insulater, plus blocks LIGH.
When solid will allow all particles except other NNWF particles and is also a perfect heat and pressure insulater. When it is near URAN and VIBR it will detenoate at the force of the fusion of 200px of hydrogen. If touching electricity it will conduct at the speed of GOLD but barely show and glow like PHOT in a random color.
-Smaller self destruct mechanisms
-Replacment for bulky e-wall in certain devices
-An emergenacy backfire device for STKM levels (In case you fall for something) and other stuff which use GPMP, PUMP, etc... that might damage the device
-Bunkers (Every suggestion I make has this use)
-LIGH proofing for LIGH guns.
-Decoration for neon sign like stuff in saves
-Alarm system for electricity (Not very common but works)
-Fun to mess around with.
Other stuff:
1. Maybe an option to save consle commands so you can just do a keyboard shortcut or something and the command will pop up. Copying and pasting won't work since you may have multiple commands.
2. Auto Saving when game crashes and auto saves every minute (or more)
I know this is in Jacob1's mod but it would be nice in the offical there were so many times I didn't save and quit by acccident. Auto-save could be an option and you could choose the time peroid or not to auto save at all.
It seemed shorter when I was typing.
Maybe auto-save could be an option and you could choose the time peroid or not to auto save at all.
yeah that's what i thought too
Did anyone read the NNWF part? anyone? it's not that long!