Element: CTRD
Full Name: Particle Electrode
Description: Sort of like CRAY is to ARAY, the CTRD would be a form of ETRD or electrode that, instead of just creating plasma, would be able to create an arc of any element between them. In addition, it would add greater control over various aspects of the arcing functionality, providing a more flexible and useful element that could be applied to many situations.
Temperature: Temp > 0 means the CTRD will be self-deleted after taking part in one arc. Temp < 0 means the CTRD will stay for any number of arcs. Temperature is 22.00 by default.
Ctype: Decides what element is to be formed in the arcs; can be set by clicking on the CTRD with the desired particle, similar to CRAY.
Tmp: Arcing range in pixels, 100 by default. Will arc to all other CTRD within this range.
I would tell you to just use CRAY, but that can only spawn rays in 8 directions. This could generate particles along any line you want, which allows for greater versatility. +1