I was wondering if it would ever be possible to have something similar to the ??? element from the classic falling sand games, as a tribute to powder toy's roots. The ???, for those who don't know or remember, was a hot-pink/reddish element that when created expanded everywhere at a very high rate of speed, incinerating everything it touched. I don't know if this would be possible, it wouldn't need physics at all cause the particles could be considered static energy-type particles, but the idea is to bring back this fun classic falling sand element for use in modern powder toy. You may have to fix the occasional infinite-feedback loop that would occur with the original element, but I think it would be easy considering some of the things you guys have coded before. What do you all think?
I like practical things too, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't cry if we didn't have 20 different flavors of explosive and TRON particles to sit and watch :)
Wait, you're saying that you know how the original games were coded? And they actually used GOL algorithms? I never would've expected that, but I guess it's possible. However, I'm not suggesting a type of life, simply an element that explosively reproduces and creates immense energy before disappearing.
it is already exists in TPT. FUSION. it repoduces with spawning NEUT and ELEC, which starting fusion again. at the point where it fuses to OXYG, it burns, creating more space.
No, that's not what I am talking about. Fusion requires insane temperature and pressure to start, and requires additional fuel to sustain itself. ???, or RIFT as I called it in another post, spreads rapidly without the need for fuel, and in fact spreads the fastest in empty space. It generates intense heat without putting anything into it, or intense cold or whatever depending on what temperature you set the RIFT to, cause it'll reproduce continually at that temperature.
How is ??? different to REPL? they seem basically the same....
BCLN. try it. you will find the potential of a BCLN. you can use many things with it. it colds when you give it something.
GLOW+PHOT. its temp always same.
ARAY/CRAY. its temp is like your RIFT temp, and can be used like your RIFT if you find its potential.
Guys give @PowderChallenge a chance!