FFGN would be a purple (0xFF591B69) solid in either the powered materials or the electronics category. It could be destroyed by the same pressure as wifi (turning into brel) and it wouldn't conduct heat. When it is sparked by any conductor, it will create a circle of blue (0xFF0A6BA9) bray (tmp 3) around itself (size depends on the temperature of the FFGN) with a life of 10, each spark increases the life of the bray by 10 until it reaches the temperarure of the FFGN particle *100. The life will go down by 5 every frame if it is not being sparked, and if the life is reduced to 0 because the shield was damaged (not because it is de-powered), the bray will disappear, and the life of the FFGN particle is increased to it's temperature *4, making the forcefield unusable until the life reduces back to 0.
When a non solid particle that is moving faster than 1 pixel per frame comes within a 5x5 area around any of the bray pixels, it's velocity will be halved each frame until it reaches 1, then it will flip direction, and increase it's speed by 1 until it moves out of the 5x5 area, then change the life of the bray down by it's speed (pixels/frame) plus it's temperature /10 (max damage is 30). If the particle's speed is over 100 pixels/frame it will be instanly deleted and the forcefield will take 10 damage. Bomb, dmg, thdr, gpmp and dest will not be triggered by the forcefield.
The bray that is emitted by the FFGN will block cray, aray, ligh, ambient heat, almost all pressure, pstn and sprk (even from gold) without taking damage.
FFGN itself will be unpushable by pistons.
Any tmp 3 bray overlapping other forcefields will disappear, so forcefields can be joined together to make larger forcefields.
If FFGN is placed with the circle tool, it will create circular forcefields, if it is placed with the triangle, or square tool it will make triangular or square forcefields, only one pixel can be placed at a time (like ligh) so rectangular and oval shaped forcefields are possible too.
If the FFGN is decoed, the bray that it emits will be the same colour.
If the tmp of FFGN is 1 (default 0) the forcefield will not take damage.
If it is sparked by nscn the forcefield will instantly turn off.
Uses: Walls, spaceships, cities, fusion reactors, laser targets, piston machines, anything destroyable and may have uses in electronics as well.
Please give me your feedback, also, if anyone can think of a way to allow weapons to shoot out from inside the shield, but not in could you leave a comment saying how.
this isn't very similar to forcefields
- forces cannot destroy particles
- forces cannot be influenced by particles, but particles have inertia that can potentially resist that force and therefore weaken it
on the other hand it's very useful, make a property of it that makes it not degenerate?
Someone suggested that it should destroy particles on the old suggestion, and lots of sci-fi forcefields (this is based on them, not real life ones) destroy objects anyway, maybe slow or stationary objects shouldn't be absorbed then.
@the_new_powder99999 (View Post)
the forcefield reactions:
non-solid: slows velocity by tmp2*2 (tmp2 of BRAY=tmp2 of FFGN)
pushes it away if the velocity is less than result of formula above.
that reaction sounds a lot better than the destruction reaction
Ok, I changed it, tell me what you think of it now.
1. BFGN-a force field generator that is like goo. (breaks under pressure)
2. BRAY life increase per spark=FFGN's TEMP/(TMP2/5)
BRAY life decrease per second=FFGN'S TMP2/(TEMP/4)
3. FFGN pushes everything from their starting point like FRAY. the range is: the range of the forcefield. until all non-solid particles are removed from the range of the forcefield, the forcefield will not appear.