Element Suggestion - IRAY: Instant Ray

  • OmegaSupreme
    7th Feb 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    I think it'd be great if several settings were implimented into ARAY:
    ARAY (Tmp 1) could cause the life of its BRAY projectile.

    IRAY - Instant Ray (See Save for Demonstration of IRAY)
    Color: Light Purple Blue (Also See Save)
    IRAY creates BRAY at the *Intersecting Point* of 2 IRAY Beams. It'd be best if it could just make BRAY appear only at the intersecting point, making no excess particles except where intersected, but if not possible, all other created BRAY has a life of 1 frame (see .
    The life of the BRAY created by IRAY at the Intersecting Point is 0 and it doesn't fade away like normal BRAY, while all other Non-intersecting BRAY created from IRAY has a life of 1 (1 frame), grating it near-instant disappearing time, and making for fast printers and beams, and ultimately, FASTER SAVES! :D
    If you set IRAYs Ctype to a certain element and spark NSCN, PSCN, INST, or METL beside it, it will create that element at the intersection of the 2 IRAY Beams. IRAYs BRAY can pass through all other elements (Unless TMP is set 1), except Walls (Unless TMP2 is set to 1). 

    IRAY Demonstration Save:

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