I have been messing around with the game recently, and noticed that it was missing some key elements within itself. I feel that the addition of sodium and chlorine elements would be very beneficial to the game. The user could synthesize: the NaCl compound already present within the game, and Sodium and Chlorine ions by heating NaCl into its liquid state and then running an electric current through it. These would only be a few of the plethora of reactions that could be added into the server. Reminder: this is just a recommendation and does not have to be implemented into the game if it would be too much effort. Thank you for your consideration, Sincerely, Wesley
I see what you mean, the only problem is that this PT doesnt really work on Ions or legitament elements. Sure, there are a few like uranium, plutonium, deuterium, and some of the gases, but barely any elements combine to form anything either. It would be pretty cool, but this isnt an element simulator/ element mixing simulator. Its a physics simulator. Plus NaCl is salt, which is already in the game.
Sadly, I do realize that this is but a physics simulator, but what I meant by the sodium, AND chlorine ions being added, would be that they could be seperate entities in of themselves. Meaning that they could be placed and manipulated SEPERATELY. Like the reaction between sodium and water. For example, Sodium metal reacts rapidly with water to form a colourless solution of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and hydrogen gas (H2) and this reaction is VIOLENTLY exothermic; the hydrogen gas combusts with the oxygen gas from the heat produced by the rapid formation of gases from the water, thus creating a brilliant orange glow that is characteristic with sodium.
Why not just make RBDM/LRBD and CAUS react with each other to make SALT?
That would work quite well.
i knew what you meant, I was just pointing out some flaws that I saw.
that actually would work.