There was a much more fleshed-out version of this suggested earlier... The bounce behaviour proved extremely difficult to code, and it ended up just being like a buggier version of INSL.
what i think for this element:
1. kills all nearby plants/stkm/figh if burning / hit by bizr (paints smell like its burned).
2. life of burning is 65.
3. sticks with nearby RUBR (the name), just like frme.
4. burns at 400.00 C.(point of combustion)
5. burning at 500.00 C.(while combustion)
6. when burning, ingore number three.
7. melts at 450.00 C. (LRUB[the name] can only burn while is created without cooling it, thus making LRUB hidden elements)
if you still like bouncing powder, edit FRAY.
Best thing I have heard all day lol :D Guess it depends if the submarine has surfaced, and I thought only ships had cats? If so, even more useless!