How about a switch which is only active while spark is applied thru pscn and goes inactive when the spark is gone. this would make for simpler more reliable gates.
A transistor? There is already transistor functionality in TPT (NTCT and PTCT)
You should think that's what he was wanting?
Maybe you don't have to think that, on the internet you can think what you want.
what? "I should think" is a common expression approximately meaning "I'm pretty sure"...
Thanks for all the response. I know about cold/hot transistor function. each of those are slow to respond and has to have 4 inputs. 1. "source" 2. "load" 3 and 4 control switching. I would have just 3 control switching and have it very responsive. while 3 (pscn) has spark the MSWH is on. When spark on 3 is gone the MSWH goes off. Not temperature dependent.