andrewdavidloftus Thanks, and nice work on your lenses! It's a nice set up for learning about optics.
If I may make one suggestion, you may want to consider using VOID instead of BHOL to absorb the photons--the BHOL creates a wind current which swiftly destroys some of the lenses. It's hard to test them when they're blowing away!
LoadSaveBlock(57626); LoadSaveBlock(57172); Photon gun may break, reload then. Photon sender / receiver is a much easier way of photoelectricity, without having to use bulky detector walls. EDIT: Photon gun IS broken, in the cloning chamber you need to add normal clone and make it clone photons. Sorry. Photon gun is not meant to burn things, it's meant to show how LCRY only allows photons when activated. EDIT 2: Fixed Photon Gun.