Diselium Liquid, its an A-SEXUAL liquid. For those who don't know what A-SEXUAL is; its something that is nor male or female and basicly creates itself/others by its self.
local DISE = elements.allocate('THREE', 'DISE')
elements.element(elements.THREE_PT_DISE, elements.element(elements.DEFAULT_PT_BCOL))
elements.property(elements.THREE_PT_DISE, 'Name', 'DISE')
elements.property(elements.THREE_PT_DISE, 'Description', 'Diselium Liquid. Very... Weird.')
elements.property(elements.THREE_PT_DISE, 'Color', '0x7A99B5')
elements.property(elements.THREE_PT_DISE, 'MenuSection', '7')
elements.property(elements.THREE_PT_DISE, 'Gravity', '2')
elements.property(elements.THREE_PT_DISE, 'Flammable', '0')
elements.property(elements.THREE_PT_DISE, 'Explosive', '1')
elements.property(elements.THREE_PT_DISE, 'Loss', '0.2')
elements.property(elements.THREE_PT_DISE, 'Temperature', 100)
elements.property(elements.THREE_PT_DISE, 'HeatConduct', 20)
elements.property(elements.THREE_PT_DISE, 'AirLoss', '0')
elements.property(elements.THREE_PT_DISE, 'AirDrag', '0.02')
elements.property(elements.THREE_PT_DISE, 'Advection', '2')
elements.property(elements.THREE_PT_DISE, 'Weight', '30')
elements.property(elements.THREE_PT_DISE, 'Diffusion', '1')
elements.property(elements.THREE_PT_DISE, 'Falldown', '2')
local function glow(i, colr, colg, colb)
return 1,0x0000008,255,122,153,181,255,122,153,181
local function asex(i, x, y, s, n)
if math.random(1,10) == 10 then
tpt.create(x + math.random(-1,1), y + math.random(-1,1), 'dise')
tpt.create(x + math.random(-1,1), y + math.random(-1,1), 'dise')
It would be very clever for a nuke if it was flammable, but being explosive, it'll just explode and then it won't replicate anymore.
Oh. A non-flammable explosive won't explode? I thought it would just disappear and make pressure.
EDIT: One thing you should know, 1 in 10 is a LOT, and your element will replicate extremely fast. I know it because I used pretty much the same code for my cloud element (Which... well, quite obvious really, makes rain). I used 1/750 on that one and it's still pretty fast. Just sayin'.
This is pretty cool. Might work for cool glowy fountains? :D
Definitely putting this in autorun, it's awesome.
EDIT: Question, imma new to Lua, how did you get the glow function to work? I tried with my own and it epically failed ._.