New Liquid : DISE

  • Millions
    4th Jan 2014 Member 3 Permalink

    Diselium Liquid, its an A-SEXUAL liquid. For those who don't know what A-SEXUAL is; its something that is nor male or female and basicly creates itself/others by its self.



    local DISE = elements.allocate('THREE', 'DISE')
    elements.element(elements.THREE_PT_DISE, elements.element(elements.DEFAULT_PT_BCOL)), 'Name', 'DISE'), 'Description', 'Diselium Liquid. Very... Weird.'), 'Color', '0x7A99B5'), 'MenuSection', '7'), 'Gravity', '2'), 'Flammable', '0'), 'Explosive', '1'), 'Loss', '0.2'), 'Temperature', 100), 'HeatConduct', 20), 'AirLoss', '0'), 'AirDrag', '0.02'), 'Advection', '2'), 'Weight', '30'), 'Diffusion', '1'), 'Falldown', '2')
    local function glow(i, colr, colg, colb)
    return 1,0x0000008,255,122,153,181,255,122,153,181
    local function asex(i, x, y, s, n)
    if math.random(1,10) == 10 then
    tpt.create(x + math.random(-1,1), y + math.random(-1,1), 'dise')
    tpt.create(x + math.random(-1,1), y + math.random(-1,1), 'dise')

  • Nobody905
    4th Jan 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    I haven't tried it, but seeing the code I can see what it does... What's it for anyway? Self-replicating explosive liquid? Weird...

  • Millions
    4th Jan 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    I was just testing this for a ingrediant for a nuke, but this is the first part of it decided to share it with people.

  • Nobody905
    4th Jan 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    @Millions (View Post)

     It would be very clever for a nuke if it was flammable, but being explosive, it'll just explode and then it won't replicate anymore.

  • Millions
    4th Jan 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    I'm thinking of changing that. Its also not explosive since its not flammable so its basicly just a self replicating liquid right now.

  • Nobody905
    4th Jan 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    @Millions (View Post)

     Oh. A non-flammable explosive won't explode? I thought it would just disappear and make pressure.


    EDIT: One thing you should know, 1 in 10 is a LOT, and your element will replicate extremely fast. I know it because I used pretty much the same code for my cloud element (Which... well, quite obvious really, makes rain). I used 1/750 on that one and it's still pretty fast. Just sayin'.

    Edited once by Nobody905. Last: 4th Jan 2014
  • Millions
    4th Jan 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    Nope, seems to me that is wont explode unless set to Explosive, 2

  • boxmein
    4th Jan 2014 Former Staff 3 Permalink
    This element is brilliant. A true pioneer in the way of gender-unspecific anorganics.
    Edited once by boxmein. Last: 4th Jan 2014
  • antoine
    4th Jan 2014 Banned 0 Permalink
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  • CeeJayBee
    4th Jan 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    This is pretty cool. Might work for cool glowy fountains? :D


    Definitely putting this in autorun, it's awesome.


    EDIT: Question, imma new to Lua, how did you get the glow function to work? I tried with my own and it epically failed ._.

    Edited 2 times by CeeJayBee. Last: 4th Jan 2014