SHIP- mini PSTN ship

  • minecraft-physics
    28th Dec 2013 Member 2 Permalink

    [Cave_Johnson] Here at Aperture, we've been using piston ships for decades. We love the stuff, in fact we "borrowed" some from Black Mesa, added lasers and resold it for twice the price. Worked a treat too, now there's fully autonomous killer robots flying about the facility and no-one has any damn idea of how to stop them. All we can do is hide behind the blast doors that are one pixel too short for the ships to get through.


    Now, I've been thinking: why have these things gotta be so big? How are we meant to test these things if it takes an army of enslaved willing scientists to get one working, and when it's done it can't even fit through the door to my office? If I am going to build a killer robot, I want it to fit on my desk! I'm sick of this goddamn "dynamic sculpture" that's all the rage these days for company executives, I need something armed to the teeth and small enough to conceal in my pocket! [/Cave_Johnson]


    TL;DR: PSTN ships are really complicated and massive.



    Behaviour: When SPRKed, one pixel of SHIP moves the pixels in the direction the SPRK came from away from itself, then moves itself the same number of pixels in the same direction. How far it moves per SPRK is set by tmp. Will push FRMEs in a line


    USAGE:   F=FRME S=SHIP O=conductor Z=SPRK e=empty


    SHIP's tmp is 1


    t=0           t=1        t=2


     eFeeee    eeFeee    eeFeee

     eFeeee    eeFeee    eeFeee


     eFeeee    eeFeee    eeFeee

     eFeeee    eeFeee    eeFeee



    Meta-videogames made simpler to make, smaller and more convincing.

    Naval/Spaceship saves become easily movable

    Ship Guns are now much faster, smaller and more viable for newbies.

    May stem demand for moving solids

    seems logical

    Cave Johnson says so

    Edited 2 times by minecraft-physics. Last: 30th Dec 2013
  • Catelite
    28th Dec 2013 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    Moving solids have actually already been done, they're just not exactly ready yet last I asked.

    Also o.o Are newbies going to be able to -use- piston stuff this barring? : P I haven't even properly figured out pistons yet.
  • Schneumer
    28th Dec 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    @Catelite (View Post)

     Hm.......maybe. Just, well make a ship! lol.

    Death cannons and orbital strikes, here we come!


    Edit: So wait, do you need to spark the ship or spark something next to the ship (probably next to)


    Edit: Actually, we don't need an entire new element for this. It is basically pstn with no purple waste left behind.

    There is one problem though......will the pscn move with it? So







    If you want a ship, you need the pscn to move with it.




    Then you need pscn behind that, and well.....

    Unless the sprk does not need to be directly next to it or close to it. The only solution is to have frame behind the pscn and the ship will be able to move it


    F F F F
    F P S F   >

    F F F F


    Of course, you need btry.


    Will one pix be able to push many pixels like pstn? like this.






    Edited 5 times by Schneumer. Last: 28th Dec 2013
  • HMMurdock
    28th Dec 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    I actually just figured out how to properly work PSTN a few weeks ago. LOL

  • minecraft-physics
    29th Dec 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    @Schneumer (View Post)

    No, the point is it moves most stuff it's touching TOWARDS the PSCN that sprked it, pushing the PSCN, then moves itself forward to meet the edge of the block.

    I tried to explain that with my diagram....

    Edited once by minecraft-physics. Last: 29th Dec 2013
  • Schneumer
    30th Dec 2013 Member 1 Permalink