Right - let's get this straight. It will not be just a decorative life type. It will serve a purpose indeed. Ideally it should be either: JvN29 Life type, or Nobili 32. I recommend Nobili because of three extra states allowing signal crossing.
What is it?
A new life type - when used properly, can carry signals, build more JN29 particles, hold long 'binary' signals in a very compact space, etc.
Why use it at all? We already have stuff for computing!
Here is a save showing what a 3 in 1 out counter would be like in size and colour:
Here is a picture of a counter that after 6 inputs will output 1 (3 signals have already been inputted):
Here is a video of a counter that after 9 inputs will output 1:
Please do at least consider this - and it would only take up 1 slot in the elements menu.
I do like the first idea. With the prop tool, it affects the particle you click plus all identical particles coming into contact with it.
Ah, thanks KydonShadow. I never new the all-touching-identical-particles thing was a feature.
So,this idea is not going to be considered any more? It is not good enough?
Well I don't really understand what it's for or what it does, seems like a bit complicated....
Edit: "JN29-A very complicated new life type.".
Life types are really only good when there is an enormous space, like that provided by GOLLY Life simulator (I would recommend this simulator if you are interested). Both of these life forms are supprted by GOLLY (I believe) and they are quite interesting. I wouldn't mind having TPT JvN life.
WWLD litterally is GOL, only it works with SPRK.
Very complicated in the fact it has 29 states as opposed to about 3. It would be a bit like wireworld, but although gates would be less compact this can actually 'place' particles, meaning it could lay down jvn29 wires that could then be used to lay more wires, and other stuff. It could be used in liquid/gas valves, counters etc. Something like a 7-seg display would be rather difficult though, needing the correct signals to create a segment or delete it.
Is this idea scrapped then, or can I continue supporting it?
By all means, please keep supporting it! Keep adding stuff to it, making progress on it. Whatever works for you, cuz this is actually the first GOOD elem suggestion in a while.