NMTR - Neutron Matter
Color: Same color and glow as NEUT.
State: Solid.
Section: Radioactive,
Description: Neutron Matter - Causes many strange reactions with diffrent substances.
Formation: Via brush or when neut is exposed to high gravity for a long time and under high presure. (maybe something
Contact reactions:
Turns Plutonium into Stone, Uranium, Neutrons, heat, and pressure.
Turns Deuterium Oxide into Neutrons, heat, and pressure.
Turns Gunpowder into Dust.
Turns Plant into WOOD.
Turns Dust into First Firework.
Turns Nitroglycerin into GAS/OIL/DESL.
Turns C-4 into GOO.
Turns Water into Distilled Water.
Turns ACID into ISOZ.
Turns DESL into GAS.
Turns Yeast into Dead Yeast(DYST).
Turns COAL into WOOD.
Turns NEUT along with itself into HYGN.
Creates SPRK when touching EXOT.
Turns into DEUT when touching HYGN under high pressures for a long time.
Pressure reactions:
Under extremly low pressures (-256 to -20 pressure) explodes violently releasing superheated PROT, ELEC, NEUT, URAN, THDR,
PLSM, LAVA and maybe BVBR. Creates 256 pressure.
Under slightly higher pressures (-5 to -49) decays into room tempeture NEUT and slight pressure (0.5 pressure).
Under high pressure (50 - 256) starts to cool down until it reaches absolute zero.
Gravity Reactions:
Under high gravity "compresses itself" (Like deut, maybe make it liquid under high gravity?) and glows brighter.
-NMTR will not decay unless under negative pressure. NMTR under normal/high pressure is virtually indestructable without
illegal elements. AMTR proof. Stops NEUT, PROT and PHOT. Maybe if it's tmp is 1 I'll create a strong gravity feild. Blocks
all particles (Like normal solid) When sparked it's tmp2 value will increase by 2 and when not sparked wil decrease by one
until it reaches 0. When the tmp2 value reaches 1200 it will turn itno HYGN. Acid proof. Insulates pressure like TTAN. Cures VIRS.(Like using raditation to kill cancer cells) Removes SPRK from touching conductive materials. When touching EXOT will not remove SPRK, but instead conduct at the same speed as WATR. WARP proof. Blocks LIGH like VOID.
-Destroyable element converter (CONV is too hard to destroy and is cheap, NEUT too hard to contain, for
Firework/DUST/GOO/ISOZ factories, WATR distillers, etc...
-Destroyable AMTR containment.
-New way to generate power.
-Energy and bomb sheilding for bunkers/reactors.
-Replacment for solid NEUT, which moves around a lot.
-Smaller, stronger bombs. (Could be timed too, since negative pressure waves folow bomb blasts.)
-Neutron star stimulation/art.
-Cool glow for art.
-"Negative pressure detector"
-Automatic pressure activated cooling system for bunkers and reactors.
-New easier electric way to make HYGN (Fusion chambers,etc...)
-Way stronger destroyable acid sheilding
-Cannons (Infinte deut supply near by, and the deut touches the NMTR, creating an explosion that could be directed. Also
could be placed in a negative pressure chamber and clned in there.)
-Indestructable pressure insulater.
-Better VIRS protection than soap or solid PROT(VIRS bombs ignite to quickly for soap to handle and solid PROT could be moved by GBMB, so why not make it so the VIRS just dissapears when touvhing a solid?)
-Anti-Sparker for machines.
-Easier and smaller replacment for delay coils and WATR/ Solid resisters.
-WARP sheilding for reactors, bunkers, lasers, etc...
-Destroyable LIGH sheilding for bunkers (FINALLY)
A bit too long.. hope you read all of that!
PS. Post what I could inprove on for this.
Update: new stuff in uses, READ IT PLEASE!!!
Update2: Added WARP sheilding.
So it is essentially a neutron star element?
Sorta... yes.. that simplifys it a lot... but it has more uses if you read it.
so many uses... this idea would be very useful... so long...
Sorta... yes.. that simplifys it a lot... but it has more uses if you read it.
Please at least read the uses... also post any improvments. It's not like it broke the record for the longest element suggestion thread.... did it?
Because NEUT turns COAL into WOOD, but it might be useful.
Also it's a solid, so it doesn't use weight for anything... but if it was a powder it would be extremly heavy, maybe powder version? Another long suggestion later....
PNMR - Powdered neutron matter
Color: Same color and glow as NEUT.
State: Solid.
Section: Radioactive,
Description: Powdered Neutron Matter - Extremly heavy, causes odd reactions.
Formation: Via brush or when NMTR touches ANAR.
Contact reactions:
Turns Plutonium into Stone, Uranium, Neutrons, heat, and pressure.
Turns Deuterium Oxide into Neutrons, heat, and pressure.
Turns Gunpowder into Dust.
Turns Plant into WOOD.
Turns Dust into First Firework.
Turns Nitroglycerin into GAS/OIL/DESL.
Turns C-4 into GOO.
Turns Water into Distilled Water.
Turns ACID into ISOZ.
Turns DESL into GAS.
Turns Yeast into Dead Yeast(DYST).
Turns COAL into WOOD.
Turns NEUT along with itself into HYGN.
Creates SPRK when touching EXOT.
Turns into DEUT when touching HYGN under high pressures for a long time.
Creates high pressure wave (30 pressure) when drops on something.
Pressure reactions:
Under extremly low pressures (-256 to -20 pressure) explodes violently releasing superheated PROT, ELEC, NEUT, URAN, THDR,
PLSM, LAVA and maybe BVBR. Creates 256 pressure.
Under slightly higher pressures (-5 to -49) decays into room tempeture NEUT and slight pressure (0.5 pressure).
Under high pressure (50 - 256) starts to cool down until it reaches absolute zero.
Gravity Reactions:
Under high gravity "compresses itself" (Like deut, maybe make it liquid under high gravity?) and glows brighter.
-PNMR will not decay unless under negative pressure. PNMR under normal/high pressure is virtually indestructable without
illegal elements. AMTR proof. Stops NEUT, PROT and PHOT. Maybe if it's tmp is 1 I'll create a strong gravity feild. Blocks
all particles (Like normal solid) When sparked it's tmp2 value will increase by 2 and when not sparked wil decrease by one
until it reaches 0. When the tmp2 value reaches 1200 it will turn itno HYGN. Acid proof. Insulates pressure like TTAN. Cures VIRS.(Like using raditation to kill cancer cells) Removes SPRK from touching conductive materials. When touching EXOT will not remove SPRK, but instead conduct at the speed of GOLD, but will only conduct 2 pixels away and can be blocked by INSL. WARP proof.
Creates high pressure when drops on something. When under high velocity creates 100 presure on contact and PLSM around it.
-Destroyable element converter (CONV is too hard to destroy and is cheap, NEUT too hard to contain, for
Firework/DUST/GOO/ISOZ factories, WATR distillers, etc...
-Destroyable AMTR containment.
-New way to generate power.
-Energy and bomb sheilding for bunkers/reactors.
-Replacment for solid NEUT, which moves around a lot.
-Smaller, stronger bombs. (Could be timed too, since negative pressure waves folow bomb blasts.)
-Neutron star stimulation/art.
-Cool glow for art.
-"Negative pressure detector"
-Automatic pressure activated cooling system for bunkers and reactors.
-New easier electric way to make HYGN (Fusion chambers,etc...)
-Way stronger destroyable acid sheilding
-Cannons (Infinte deut supply near by, and the deut touches the PNMR, creating an explosion that could be directed. Also
could be placed in a negative pressure chamber and clned in there.)
-Indestructable pressure insulater.
-Better VIRS protection than soap or solid PROT(VIRS bombs ignite to quickly for soap to handle and solid PROT could be moved by GBMB, so why not make it so the VIRS just dissapears when touvhing a solid?)
-Anti-Sparker for machines.
-Faster conducter that can be blocked by INSL, any other uses?
-WARP sheilding for reactors, bunkers, lasers, etc...
-Presure shockwaves for bombs and for damage.
-Strong chainguns.
-Meteor effect...
A bit too long.. hope you read all of that!
Don't take this seriously... it was just a joke, but it could be added.