updated walls

  • lightfrost
    21st Nov 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    walls that can be more precise like the normal element circle exept be a square which means you could so 1 pixil walls useful for tight space tech primarily the e wall and detector this would be very usefull self explanitory and 1 new wall called Hwall heat it like wifi and it transfers that exact heat number to the elemnt it comes in  contact with use ful for lasers and flaming projects like bunsen burners or somting maby flame throwers that have a higher temp than fire but less than plasm

  • minecraft-physics
    21st Nov 2013 Member 4 Permalink

    Any punctuation at all would greatly increase the chances of anyone reading that wall of text.


    1px Detector- use DTEC.

    1px E-Wall- use STOR.

    HWall- use FILT/INVS.

  • lightfrost
    21st Nov 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    what is that? the link. and last one i was apperntly to formal

  • mniip
    21st Nov 2013 Developer 2 Permalink
    Walls that can be more precise, like the normal element brush except be a square [did you know you can use Tab to change brush shape?], would be very useful to have in TPT. That means you could make 1 pixel wide walls, which would be useful for tight space electronics , primarily the E-wall and detector. This would be very useful, the uses are self explanatory.
    1 new wall called H-wall: heat it like WIFI, and it transfers that exact heat number[I'm guessing like as if it had infinite heat capacity?] to the element it comes in ; contact with, useful for lasers and flaming projects: like bunsen burners or, someting maybe, flamethrowers that have a higher temp than fire but lower than plasma.
    Edited 3 times by mniip. Last: 22nd Nov 2013
  • lightfrost
    21st Nov 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    well god this isnt english class


  • MiningMarsh
    21st Nov 2013 Member 2 Permalink

    @lightfrost (View Post)

    But we do happen to be speaking English. Well no one can force you to punctuate and capitalize, keep in mind that it makes you seem much more professional and intelligent.


    For example, Skylark is a smart guy, but I always picture him as stupid when I read what he is saying as he never seems to capitalize his 'I's.

    Edited once by MiningMarsh. Last: 21st Nov 2013
  • boxmein
    21st Nov 2013 Former Staff 2 Permalink
    @lightfrost (View Post)
    The link is to a TPT version (yes you can play around with it and all) that has 1px walls and stuff.
  • Schneumer
    21st Nov 2013 Member 2 Permalink

    @lightfrost (View Post)

     You again? Sigh.....But how come 1 pix walls don't exist? Personally, 2 pix is better since stuff goes through 1 pix (not sure about walls)......can someone make 2 pix walls? Why 4 by 4 in the first place?

  • lightfrost
    25th Nov 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    If you dont like my stuff just dont look at it no one is forcing you.