like acid but cannot burn. I think the color should be a dark green, but anyone else got ideas for color? I think it should be in liquid or radioactive.
Also, there is always "tpt.el.acid.flammable=0" without quotation marks.
There is also the command "!set life acid 65535" without quotation marks. This makes it so that the acid will not disappear, so a few pixels of it can literally eat an entire save, provided that everything else is below the acid. Combine this command with the one above, and you have an indestructible and eats almost everything superacid.
ok I'll try those. but while i was away from this, i found acid cannot freeze. so i was thinking... could DCAY be frozen at 0c and normal at 21c? then it could be used in an explosive bomb, and not burn instantly. plus, it makes a better way then typing it all in if a bomb ever fails...
im still editing this coment, so you might see a change
Acid is banned on most walls and such, so no. And copy paste. no typing.
What did I just read....