Recently I have been extremely frustrated by the prevolence of FP saves with 1 extra upvote while my save that took months to complete sits there getting votes, but not very quickly, and the result being it never gets FP. While I appreciate that the time spent on a save is not enough to get FP (also needs to do something new/cool/whatnot), It would appear that the original algorithm for how many/how fast a save gets votes needs to be revised. Once these single-vote saves gets FP, it immediately gets down-voted, comments turn to rants and firestorms of rage, and the save is nowhere to be found 30 seconds later.
My proposal would be an added sorting method on top of the current 2 methods.
1) By votes - Same as it is now, featured or 'FP' saves first followed by the most viewed saves, default upon opening TPT's save browser.
2) By date - Same as it is now, with recently saved saves first followed by the older saves, the recent update made it so you can only get here once per day.
3) Promoted - Here is where it gets tricky, keep reading.
Whenever you publish a save for the first time, you can choose how much to promote it. Every week or so you would get some number of promotion points on your account. Maybe you could even get an additional few points for avery FP appearence or something, IDK (NOT FOR SALE! NO PAY TO WIN ASPECTS IN TPT!). This way, if someone takes a lot of time on a save, they will have the option of spending something (the so-called promotional points) to put it in a location where it will be more visible. These saves will keep their promotional points until they are no longer eligible for FP (1 week). These points are non-refundable after use.
Hopefully, by implementing something like this, TPT users would have a way to distinguish their save if they have the time and are dedicated. Saves come and go off of the "By Date" section very quickly, leaving little time for them to be noticed, as a result, good saves and bad saves get the same amount of attention. With this system, if someone just puts up a ton of saves that they spend little time at all on, than their saves won't detract from the ability of saves with more effort behind them to be seen and duely judged by the TPT community. If you use these promotion points on a save that is not very good, you just wasted those points. If you use them wisely, it may help your save get FP and appropriate appreciation.
Obviously, what I just proposed has flaws that I have not seen yet, so PLEASE add your feedback. I just want a way for good saves to be able to distinguish themselves so people will see them, and vote accordingly.
I don't see why change the current vote system. If people like yor save they vote on it. If they're curious about a certain concept, they'll come accross it one way or another.
Plus, you're making the rich token holders face off agaisnt those who repeatly try to get front page and lack tokens.
We discussed a few different systems like this on IRc a while back, and if I remember, we came to the conclusion that most of these wouldn't work out that well in practice. We had a slightly more tweaked promotion system proposed.
I feel that we shouldn't be allowing people to game the FP system. If your save is liked by people, it will get upvoted and get on FP, and that seems like the way it should be. If you work real hard on a website, that doesn't mean it instantly gets to the top google result. People have to actually like and link to the page. Same with TPT.
EDIT: Somehow we all typed our responses at the exact same time. How wonderful.
No, lockheed did his first, then a second then me, and i don't know how long till...Also, how does the order of fp saves work? By update?
Like I said, there are problems. Maybe it is just because I am an American user, and don't post saves when the majority of users are online, but saves go from being first on the "by date list" to about 3 pages down in about 5 minutes. Yes, people will vote if they like your save, but they have to see it first, and it is easy to have a save that is really likeable go completely unnoticed, without up OR down votes. It is a matter of having them seen in the first place that is the problem. Like I said, it may be due to the time I am posting saves being 7 hours before most people are online.
To those saying it would give big token holders a better chance, well, that's kind of the idea. If you save up for a long time, you can make your save more easily visible. If you don't care about the save it can still be seen just as readily as any other save in the "by date" section. Because the user saved up, they can promote the save. If the save is not popular or not, they can not use the tokens over again. This will discourage people from constantly using tokens on saves they only spent a few minutes on, and instead using them for saves they think are very valuable and have a chance at FP.
And you can't deny thereare times when the first several saves are not just mediocre at best, but the votes are just not there. Just yesterday there was a save with 3 up votes (a total of 2 people up-voted the save). No matter what the quality you think the quality is, three votes should just not be enough.)
Whatever the change is, there must be some, and like i said, this is only an idea.
I think you need to stop using the idea people are and aren't online.
TPT community IS international. In fact most of us are on the East Coast. With the part of the front page saves, the communtiy decides that. If it doesn't have a constant stream of up votes, it starves. There is no need for change, you're simply conveying an idea for much better users to be able to get a larger spotlight.
Everyone already has an equal chance in the By Date section. It's all about how you market and when you market within the rules. Unless you've chained to a wrecking ball at another place, you should use your resources accordingly.
Also, what do you expect to do if EVERYONE has tokens? It floods the promote sort area just like the By Date sort
I have noticed the front page system has gotten a lot of saves that didnt used to be on the front page due to lack of interactivity or it just wasnt good. But I believe this is a more fair way of doing things than a token system. The best way of advertising your save (within reason) is to post it on the forums and possibly on irc. If you post it on the forums, it gives you a chance to tell people what you have done and to comment with them a bit more than on just powdertoy alone. And as for irc, as long as you dont spam it, you cant talk to people in real time about your save. I do admit there are saves out there that probably should have gotten front page and were just never voted up quickly enough for it. But as people have said, having a top website on google doesnt happen in a day. The page people should be trying to get on is the second page. That is the page where the legendary saves are.
Well if this is so bad, maybe every user can have a single save of theirs to "promote" every month, regardless of tokens. To those of you saying that it is beneficial to better users, the reason you can't buy tokens is so everyone gets an equal oppertunity. My objective by using a system like this is so each user can chose a save he/she thinks has the best chance. This way you don't get the same result as the "By Date" sectio containing 5 saves from a single user all on 1 page. In a promoted section we could see each user's favorite save.
@Lokheedmartin - I don't know about you, but I have an education to attend to. This means that there is a 7-8 hour window that I cannot post saves. This includes the ideal time to have most people see my saves. If I post a save right after school, it is already 6:30 on the East Coast (I presume you meant US) and 10:30 GMT. This puts me as well as other users at a distinct disadvantage when trying to post saves. If I could put just a single favorite save on a smaller list that lasts longer, this would severely cut this disadvantage.
Besides, as I have said, this puts no user above others, everyone gets equal promotion abilities. If EVERYONE has tokens as you suggest, that proves my point to it being a fair system.
Not all saves have an equal chance at success. They need to be seen first.
Edit: And don't be lazy. You can't deny that there are many saves that should be FP and never were, as well as saves that were FP and the community decidedly didn't support. A change, however large, is definitely necessary.