Hello, this is my first mod. I was thinking of trying to learn C++ to make a better mod but I gave up. So heres my lua mod.
SAWD -- Saw Dust. Flammable (Has no use actually. Just for fun)
RAIB -- Unknown Element. (Comes in 6 different colors)
LCLD -- Lava Clouds. (Produces Lava. Very Hot Cloud)
CLDS -- Clouds. Produce Water.
ACLD -- Acid Cloud (I was thinking of acid rain when I made this.)
MAGA -- Unknown Liquid. Releases NBLE. Very Hot.
SPRB -- Super Ball. Very Hot. Bounces. (For fun)
SCLD -- Storm Clouds. Produces More Water Then CLDS, and Lightning
TR0N -- Produces TRON. A Solid. A Home.
PC-4 -- Powder C4. More Explosive.
FLY -- Fly. Annoying Pestering Bug.
NPLM -- Napalm. Explosive.
BHIV -- BEE Hive. Produces BEEs. Obviously.
BEE -- BEE. Pestering Demons. Move Faster Then FLY.
TORN -- Tornado (Not My Best. I'm Still Rusty.)
LAG -- Worlds Worst Creation (Does not REALLY cause lag.)
IC -- Info and Credits HUD.
S -- Secret. (Secret is current in active right now and will be fixed next update. The password is "IFOUNDIT")
Hope you enjoy my first mod. Willing to take element request.
Thank you for the feed back. I will fix the out of range in the next update.
local a = elements.allocate("X", "C")
elements.element(elements.X_PT_C, elements.element(elements.DEFAULT_PT_WOOD))
elements.property(elements.X_PT_C, "Name", "SAWD")
Weird. Never got this error before.
Weird. Never got this error before.
Sorry, it is because Nobody905's NPLM is buggy.