Well I use to play this game on Dan-ball.en and it had an element called "Super ball." I havent really seen anything like it on here. So I decided to create SPRB. It has alittle extra added to it then on Dan Ball.
local a = elements.allocate("R","D")
elements.element(elements.R_PT_D, elements.element(elements.DEFAULT_PT_PHOT))
elements.property(elements.R_PT_D, "Name", "SPRB")
elements.property(elements.R_PT_D, "Color", 0xFF0099)
elements.property(elements.R_PT_D, "MenuSection", 10)
elements.property(elements.R_PT_D, "Advection", 0.2)
elements.property(elements.R_PT_D, "Collision", 1.0)
elements.property(elements.R_PT_D, "Gravity", 3.0)
elements.property(elements.R_PT_D, "Diffusion", 0.3)
elements.property(elements.R_PT_D, "Properties", PROP_DEADLY)
elements.property(elements.R_PT_D, "Weight", 40.45)
elements.property(elements.R_PT_D, "Temperature", 100000.01)
elements.property(elements.R_PT_D, "HeatConduct", 100000.01)
elements.property(elements.R_PT_D, "Description", "Super Ball. Very Hot. Bounces.")
This will also be on my upcomming mod.
EDIT: I didn't mean MOD i ment element for the title. Sorry.
Well I didnt want someone trying to flame on me for putting mod and it was just a simple element. :|