suggestion to add stkm aiming

  • PackedBread
    8th Nov 2013 Member 5 Permalink
    i wish we could aim with stickmen maybe towards the mouse or even like with some extra utilised keys which i have no idea what to suggest about however that's not the point of this post

    imagine firing like photon lasers in any direction
    also allows for mouse detectors if you choose the mouse option : O

    only problems i see right now are:

    how to handle two stickmen aiming, and
    which of the scarce keys to use for the aiming keys if keyboard use is the option
    Edited once by PackedBread. Last: 8th Nov 2013
  • therocketeer
    8th Nov 2013 Member 1 Permalink
    @PackedBread (View Post)
    I think this would work quite well, but only when there is one stickman. If there are 2 on the screen, then you'll just have to make do with left or right.

    Coding wise, i don't think it's much of a challenge, just a vector function on stickman's shooty out code.

  • PackedBread
    8th Nov 2013 Member 0 Permalink
    @therocketeer (View Post)
    yeah i mean you can already point it left or right with some insanely unpredictable way so why not extend it
    also would be superb with jetpacks
    Edited once by PackedBread. Last: 9th Nov 2013
  • FeynmanLogomaker
    8th Nov 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    Aiming with 2 stickmen would be easy, just fire both of them at the mouse.

  • PackedBread
    8th Nov 2013 Member 0 Permalink
    @FeynmanLogomaker (View Post)
    but that would mean only the player with the mouse has control over both players???
  • FeynmanLogomaker
    8th Nov 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    ...ohhh, you meant for it to be a 2-player thing. That's not what STK2 is for, but maybe it could be controllable with other buttons (maybe t/f/g/h and the number pad?)

  • therocketeer
    8th Nov 2013 Member 0 Permalink
    @FeynmanLogomaker (View Post)
    STK2 was designed for there to be 2 players simultaneously, this is why the controls are separate and on opposite sides of the keyboard.

    keyboard aiming would just feel too "etch a sketch" really... unlike a mouse where you are not restricted to where you are aiming and how fast you move, aiming with a keyboard really does restrict you to x and y directions

    Also, does separating the controls imply a second cursor/crosshair? or is it simply aiming by intuition and tracking previous shots?
  • lefouduroi
    8th Nov 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    I would think more of using aiming crosshairs movable by different keys. STKM1 would be one crosshair and set of keys, STKM2 would me another, different crosshair and keys.

  • PackedBread
    8th Nov 2013 Member 2 Permalink
    @lefouduroi (View Post)
    what if instead of crosshairs you moved the angle at which the particles fly from the head? less keys to keep track of, less drawing to do, less state to track?
  • therocketeer
    8th Nov 2013 Member 0 Permalink
    @lefouduroi (View Post)
    but most of the keys are already utilised for hotkeys and shortcuts, there isn't room for it really. Maybe there is a solution for using keys. But think about it, if you were to map to cross hairs respectively to both stickmen, you effectively have 4 sets of WASD keys. Unless actually, if you were only able to move the crosshair's angle, since you're aiming in a 2D plain, then only 2 keys are needed to control the crosshair.

    EDIT: @PackedBread You beat me lol, that's exactly what I'm saying

    Initially, i was thinking of the shooting mechanism in flash portal:
    Edited 2 times by therocketeer. Last: 8th Nov 2013