Platinum (PTNM) revive!

  • minecraft-physics
    3rd Nov 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    N.B. any words in underlined italics are optional

    Basic Properties:

    • Colour: light grey, approaching white
    • Phase at STP: Solid
    • Melting Temp: 1,768°C=2,041°K
    • does not break due to pressure
    • Invulnerable to ACID and CAUS
    • Description: "Catalyst. Causes reactions to happen at lower temperatures"
    • Molten PTNM is conductive and has the same properties as PTNM.
    • has powder effect
    • does not conduct to GOLD.
    • Category: Solids
    • Dissolved by aqua regia (if implemented)
    • Deforms under high pressure (5-8) but does not disappear



    Is not used up in reactions with anything, but catalyses reactions. When catalysing, has a random chance of a reaction occuring that improves with temperature increase. Temps listed are minimum conditions for any reaction at all. When PTNM is present:

    • HYGN+OXYG-->WATR, 22.00°C or higher. Stll releases heat
    • GAS-->INSL, 500°C or higher, pressure>20 (polymerise ethene)
    • BREL-->EXOT, 1000°C or higher, pressure>50, SPRK
    • SHD4 will automatically grow around it without spark when SHLD is touchng PTNM
    • SMKE-->CO2, any conditions
    • Can be used for electrolysis of WATR without corroding
    • Can electrolyse HYGN into PROT and ELEC, releasing ELEC in a random direction and PROT in a direction at right angles to the PTNM
    • conducts twice as fast as METL
    • any ISOZ touching it will immediately turn into 1 PHOT and 1 PLUT
    • Cold Fusion: when 1 pixel of PTNM is diagonally adjacent to two or more pixels of HYGN at 500°K has a random chance of fusion, releasing same products, however PLSM released is at 2,000°K to avoid melting catalyst. Has a very low chance of NBLE fusion, releasing PLSM at 2,040°K. CO2 and OXYG fusion can take place with molten PTNM, but releasing temperatures 1000°C below normal. Catalysed OXYG fusion does not need any newtonian gravity.
    • Probably many more reactions i've forgotten, tell me below!

    Why we need it:


    Platinum would enable many more reactions between previously unrelated elements, in addition to aiding future compatibility for new elements. If, for example, we wanted to make ammonia by reacting HYGN and SMKE (apologies to xetalim for their idea) but didn't want to break saves, we could make that reaction take place ONLY in the prescence of platinum. It's essentially a future-proofing element :D

    Edited once by minecraft-physics. Last: 3rd Nov 2013
  • Box-Poorsoft
    3rd Nov 2013 Banned 1 Permalink
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  • minecraft-physics
    3rd Nov 2013 Member 0 Permalink
