Element: Phos. Phosphorus.

  • G-LinuxorU
    28th Oct 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    Phosphorus; its possible color ranges are (enriched) colorless/transparent, white, yellow (stable/common) red, violet and black.

    black phosphorus would enrich into white phosphorus by pressure. an equivalent reaction takes place but only under negative gravity, not the lack thereof.

    it would be created by enriching sand with Co2 at 1000-1500 degrees. and have the transition state between liquid and solid, with a melting point varible to its color but between 200-550.
    white Phos when exposed to oxyg (above temp 30) spontaniously combusts.(violently, like DMG violent!)

    does not dillute into watr.
    when heated to 3000 degrees Phos turns from white to red.

    when mixed with bcol it could make gunpowder, but when exposed to flme/plsm ignites, like gunpowder
    when melted with bmtl it could be used to make steel(stel?).
    when melted with bgla it could create pgla or phosphated glass which is acid resistant.

    phosphated glass would expedite the transmission of phot through glas, creating a true optical fiber.

    pgla would have a higher refraction index than normal glas. (retaining 90 degree bends but refracting more through curved pgla than glas.)
    when melted with iron it could make fe3 or ferric (iron) phosphate which is resistant to radioactivity.
    phos, with tungsteon as a filament and ionized gas (nble) mixed with a drop of merc would make a true incandescant bulb.

    molten phosphorus would burn/glow with the intensity of heated tungsten.
    occasionally molten phosphorus would decay into embr. (finally a use for it?)

    Phos is naturally poisonus to stkm.

  • minecraft-physics
    28th Oct 2013 Member 1 Permalink


  • Incredy
    28th Oct 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    >when melted with bgla it could create pgla or phosphated glass which is acid resistant.


    Glass IS acid resistant.

  • G-LinuxorU
    28th Oct 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    @minecraft-physics (View Post)

    a few more realistic ways to make elements like firw, fwrk, gun, and nitr. the addition of steel.(lol probably useless) an element that finally decays into embr.(no changes to embr) aray-type transmission of PHOT through phosphated glas. i feel like it would tie up loose ends. it has lots of potential in explosives but thats another tale. it's one of those basic elements, that im surprised hasn't been suggested.


    @Incredy (View Post)

     true, i didnt realize that when i posted. phosphated glas would be more corrosion resistant though. maybe it could exhibit this trait as glas with a higher melting point and pressure-shattering threashold like pyrex. pgla could then be used as bullet-resistant glass or in walls.

  • Incredy
    28th Oct 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    @G-LinuxorU (View Post)

     >pgla could then be used as bullet-resistant glass or in walls.


    we don't have the element bullet

  • G-LinuxorU
    28th Oct 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    @Incredy (View Post)

     an element with enough velocity breaks through glas. (fray->cnct for example) it would be more impact resistant/shatter-resistant. and instead of pgla which sounds awkward maybe call it pyrx for pyrex. might be unrealistic but a more understandable name.