Hi, Im patrrys and i created survey on tpt for publishing f2c saves with credit and pm when someone want to copy(with credit). When this user want to copy WITHOUT credit, he will dont get it.
How to register at survey/jak zarejestrowac sie na surveya:
send pm to me like that:
"ENG password:"password"(not real used for uploading saves to survey can be also:hello:))"
wy?lij mi wiadomosc mniej wiecej taka:
"PL haslo: "haslo"(nie prawdziwe bedzie uzywane do dodawania zapisow moze byc nawet :czesc:))"
How to upload saves/jak dodawac zapisy:
Send me PM like that:
"ENG password:"pass" link: "stamp file download link"(mediafire or dropbox is recomended) name: "save name"
wyslij mi wiadomosc mniej wiecej taka:
"PL haslo: "haslo" link: "link do stampla" (mediafire albo dropbox sa rekomendowane) nazwa: "nazwa zapisu"
I think you enjoyed my survey:D/mysle ze moj survey ci sie spodobal:D
Are you trying to define some new Upload Stamp over User PM protocol here? I can't decipher what you wrote.
It appears that this guys wants us to register for his anti-copy system where anybody who wants to copy with permission and make stamps of the save has to send a pm to the maker containing a password.Basically, a copyright system.
No. Report Button has done that job very well for me,and I don't need to register for some system to ward off copyers.
Free 2 Copy