Font texter for this.
Get the code here, it should be able to run without any libraries now.
Start a new font:
makeFont(Font width (number), Font height (number), Font name (string))
-Makes a new file usable by the texter.
-Sets up the font data used throughout the program.
Make all the letters in a font:
GUI Usage:
Click a pixel to toggle it.
Click outside of the GUI to move to the next character.
At the top-right corner of the GUI, there is:
a) A display telling you which character you are on, and
b) A pixel preview of your letter at a 1:1 scale.
To exit the GUI before you have completed your font:
Type 'done()' into the console. It will exit the GUI, finish your font, and write it to a file.
1.0: Made first version
2.0: Fixed bug preventing close of GUI, even after you finished the font
2.3: Fixed minor bug causing it to treat the 3rd-to-last row of the pixel data as the end line, thus omitting a
comma there instead of at the end