New Element: LIHT or LGHT or LIGT

  • lefouduroi
    1st Oct 2013 Member 4 Permalink

    This Element I just thought would be a good adition to the powered materials tab would be similar to LCRY but different.


    For example intead of using just one SPRK to power it, it would require to be contantly SPRK'ed to "glow" I believe it would be a great decoration tool for model cities, name tags, and any other thing you might think of. it can be SPRK'ed by any metal or semiconductor. It also would have the property of LCRY where if you paint it a different color, it will glow that color.


    When pressure is high, similar to GLAS, it will break into either BGLA or BREL.


    Feel free to ask any questions or comment on this.

  • nijalninja98
    1st Oct 2013 Member 3 Permalink

    that is a good idea and does have it's uses but so far ALL of the powered elements have been turned on and off by NSCN or PSCN, but this would be more realistic in a real world city with a powerplant and/or large machines.

  • lefouduroi
    1st Oct 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    @nijalninja98 (View Post)

     yes, correct. I do want it to be more realistic in the game but I also want to be able to use the GENERATOR wall with something or use battery with it.

  • lefouduroi
    2nd Oct 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    Come on I NEED MORE SUPPORT for this to become an element and right now it isn't looking so hot so PLEASE comment saying you agree to this.

  • Box-Poorsoft
    2nd Oct 2013 Banned 0 Permalink
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  • xetalim
    2nd Oct 2013 Member 0 Permalink
    if you surround BTRY with METL it will glow.
  • boxmein
    2nd Oct 2013 Former Staff 0 Permalink
  • ncom86
    2nd Oct 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    How 'bout NEON? A new gas that glows when sparked!

  • lefouduroi
    2nd Oct 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    @Box-Poorsoft (View Post)

     and @xetalim (View Post)

     generally, when you over SPRK METL It will end up melting and besides you can still see waves of SPRK's. What this Idea is is a solid that when you sprk it once similar to BRAY the complete solid will be lit up for about 10 frames or so and as long as there is an abundant supply of SPRK it will continue to be lit and you can paint it to be different colors.

    TUNG will have the same effect as METL


    @ncom86 (View Post)

     Neon is techically a Noble Gas so it would be NOBL or whatever the element name is... and besides I would like it to be so that the gas doesn't just diffuse all over the place.

  • lefouduroi
    7th Oct 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    come on I need more support for this...