• PTuniverse
    29th Sep 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    Rechargable Battery (RCBT) and Charger (CHGR)

    The purpose of these elements is to allow the ability to store energy within a single particle, and release it when needed.

    Rechargable Battery

    Rechargable Battery is, well, you know, a rechargable battery. It can be charged whenever it is next to CHGR, and CHGR receives sparks within a 2-pixel radius (1-pixel for corners)

    RCBT increases life whenever it is charged by CHGR. When RCBT is sparked with nearby PSCN, it will disperse electricity to nearby NSCN, draining the life for each spark it creates until its life goes down to 0.

    RCBT pixels share electricity (if the electricity total is not divisible by the amount of RCBT, the life will randomly propagate, like in SPNG), allowing for more storage in exchange of space.


    An important element that must be used in conjunction with RCBT to make it work. Whenever it receives a nearby spark, it picks a random particle of RCBT and increases that RCBT pixel's life (it does not give +1 life to all RCBT because duplication).


    Together, they can be used to limit an amount of sparks that can be released, without using lots of space to put together logic gates just to do the exact same thing, or create a limited power source that can be used for realistic electricity-based simulations.

  • Box-Poorsoft
    29th Sep 2013 Banned 0 Permalink
    This post is hidden because the user is banned
  • PTuniverse
    29th Sep 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    Yes, but wouldn't it be better to use a single pixel rather than hundreds?

  • Iridium616
    4th Oct 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    I dont really see the point.