Gentoo has some really nice built in code highlighting, here is the lua highlighting:
It would look nicer with slightly less dark gray though (but that is just the built in terminal color).
It might be, but from the looks of the USE flags, I think it's gentoo.
That doesn't matter though, what matters if if you like the colors.
EDIT: And when I say I think it's gentoo, I mean I think its specifically the gentoo vim package vs. the vanilla vim package.
My ':colorscheme' is 'default'.
It does appear I have misread, I thought lua was one of the packages gentoo has special syntax for, it turns out it is not in the list, though:
% equery hasuse vim-syntax
* Searching for USE flag vim-syntax ...
[IP-] [ ] app-admin/conky-1.9.0-r2:0
[IP-] [ ] app-admin/eselect-1.3.8:0
[IP-] [ ] app-text/asciidoc-8.6.5:0
[IP-] [ ] dev-libs/protobuf-2.4.1:0
[IP-] [ ] dev-util/cmake-
[IP-] [ ] dev-util/ragel-6.7-r1:0
[IP-] [ ] dev-vcs/subversion-1.7.13:0
[IP-] [ ] net-misc/ntp-4.2.6_p5-r1:0
[IP-] [ ] sys-devel/llvm-3.1-r2:0
[IP-] [ ] sys-libs/pam-1.1.6-r2:0
[IP-] [ ] x11-libs/gtk+-2.24.17:2
[IP-] [ ] x11-libs/gtk+-3.4.4:3
So yeah, it is just the default vim colors. It is still really nice though.
And where might we download this 'new console' you're working on? It sounds pretty cool, actually.
i hope you know how to compile using scons.... there is no build right now.