TPT Utilities

  • FeynmanLogomaker
    19th Sep 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    I know they're poorly written, but they at least work :)



    util = util or {}

    pr = pr or {} -- Presets

    pr.burn = function() = 9999
    tpt.el.plsm.flammable = 9999
    tpt.el.lava.flammable = 9999

    pr.allburn = function()
    for k = 1, 145 do
    if k ~= 11 and k ~= 130 then
    local str = 'tpt.el.' .. string.gsub(string.lower(tpt.element(k)), '-', '') .. '.flammable=9999'
    local f ='allburn','w')

    bit.oldfromhex = function(str) --Do not use, I made a faster one
    local str = tostring(str)
    local num = 0
    local cnum
    for k = 1, #str do
    local cstr = string.lower(string.sub(str, k, k))
    if cstr == 'a' then cnum = 10
    elseif cstr == 'b' then cnum = 11
    elseif cstr == 'c' then cnum = 12
    elseif cstr == 'd' then cnum = 13
    elseif cstr == 'e' then cnum = 14
    elseif cstr == 'f' then cnum = 15
    elseif string.gsub(cstr, '%d', 'NUM') ~= 'NUM' then cnum = 0
    else cnum = tonumber(cstr)
    num = num + (cnum * 16 ^ (#str - k))
    return num

    bit.fromhex = function(str)
    return tonumber(tostring(str))

    util.test_func = function(func, iter, ...)
    local ct = os.clock()
    for k = 1, iter do
    local nt = os.clock()
    return nt - ct

    util.assert = function(errstr, ...)
    if not errstr then return ... else return errstr end

    util.argb = function(a, r, g, b)
    return '0x' .. bit.tohex(a, 2) .. bit.tohex(r, 2) .. bit.tohex(g, 2) .. bit.tohex(b, 2)

    util.propreplace = function(prop, old, nprop, new)
    old = type(old) == 'string' and tpt.element(old) or old
    new = type(new) == 'string' and tpt.element(new) or old
    for x = 1, 610 do
    for y = 1, 380 do
    if tpt.get_property('type', x, y) ~= 0 then
    if tpt.get_property(prop, x, y) == old then
    tpt.set_property(nprop, new, x, y)

    tpt.point = function(x, y, e, r, g, b, a)
    if not e then e, r, g, b, a = 'dmnd', 255, 255, 255, 255 --Default to DMND
    elseif not r then r, g, b, a = 255 --Default to white
    elseif not a then a = 255 end --Default to opaque
    local _, errstr --[[I use util.assert a lot...]] = tpt.create(x, y, e);
    if r and g and b and a and not(errstr) then
    local _, errstr = tpt.set_property('dcolor', util.argb(a, r, g, b), x, y)
    return util.assert(errstr, true)

    tpt.rect = function(x1, y1, x2, y2, e, r, g, b, a)
    tpt.line(x1, y1, x1, y2, e, r, g, b, a)
    tpt.line(x1, y2, x2, y2, e, r, g, b, a)
    tpt.line(x2, y2, x2, y1, e, r, g, b, a)
    tpt.line(x2, y1, x1, y1, e, r, g, b, a)

    tpt.solidrect = function(x1, y1, x2, y2, e, r, g, b, a)
    for x = x1, x2 do
    for y = y1, y2 do
    local _, errstr = tpt.point(x, y, e, r, g, b, a)
    return util.assert(errstr, true)

    tpt.line = function(x1, y1, x2, y2, e, r, g, b, a)
    if x1 > x2 then x1, x2 = x2, x1 end --If the xcoords are in the wrong order, switch 'em
    if y1 > y2 then y1, y2 = y2, y1 end
    local xs = x2 - x1
    local ys = y2 - y1
    if xs >= ys then --Avoid unfinished line
    for x = x1, x2 do
    tpt.point(x, y1 + x * ys / xs, e, r, g, b, a)
    for y = y1, y2 do
    tpt.point(x1 + xs / ys, y, e, r, g, b, a)

    tpt.ellipse = function(x1, y1, x2, y2, e, r, g, b, a) --Doesn't work yet!!
    if x1 > x2 then x1, x2 = x2, x1 end
    if y1 > y2 then y1, y2 = y2, y1 end
    local w = (x2 - x1) / 2
    local h = (y2 - y1) / 2
    local mx = x2 - w
    local my = y2 - h
    for k = 0, 1000 do
    tpt.line(mx + w * math.sin(k - .01), my + h * math.cos(k - .01), mx + w * math.sin(k), my + h * math.cos(k), e, r, g, b, a)



    Sorry for not putting it in code tags, that never works well for me.

  • nucular
    19th Sep 2013 Member 1 Permalink

    At least you could've fixed the allburn function, used indenting and pastebin :P

    19th Sep 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    What this script doing?

  • boxmein
    19th Sep 2013 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    @KOTOM (View Post)

    pr.allburn = function()- Makes everything flammable. Really lousy. Like honestly. It reads and writes to and from a temporary file just to apply itself. There were -some- alternatives in the allburn thread but just go fori
    bit.fromhex = function(str) - This kinda converts hex numbers to decimals I think. You would be way better off using tonumber(str, 16) for base-16
    util.test_func = function(func, iter, ...) - I think this times a function.
    util.assert = function(errstr, ...) - that's not assert: assert throws an error and the order of operators is different. Plus there already is a non-util function in the global namespace conveniently called assert. Aside that he gladly uses it so you could too :D
    util.argb = function(a, r, g, b) - Returns a bit-packed hex -string- colour value. Conveniently none of his functions even use this externally.
    tpt.point = function(x, y, e, r, g, b, a) - Creates an element point with a mandatory colour value in which everything is optional except the position.
    tpt.rect = function(x1, y1, x2, y2, e, r, g, b, a) - Creates a hollow rectangle.
    tpt.line = function(x1, y1, x2, y2, e, r, g, b, a) - Creates a line between two points
    tpt.ellipse = function(x1, y1, x2, y2, e, r, g, b, a) - Marked "Doesn't work yet" so be prepared

    Aside that, it'll come in handy for people using basic Lua. Nicely done.
    Edited 3 times by boxmein. Last: 19th Sep 2013
  • FeynmanLogomaker
    19th Sep 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    @boxmein: Thanks, I was going to do something like that but you seem to have just about covered it.

  • MiningMarsh
    19th Sep 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    This line code is completly and utterly broken.


    Test code:

    line = function(x1, y1, x2, y2, e, r, g, b, a)
        if x1 > x2 then
            x1, x2 = x2, x1
        end --If the xcoords are in the wrong order, switch 'em
        if y1 > y2 then
            y1, y2 = y2, y1
        local xs = x2 - x1
        local ys = y2 - y1
        if xs >= ys then --Avoid unfinished line
            for x = x1, x2 do
                print(x, y1 + x * ys / xs)
            for y = y1, y2 do
                print(x1 + xs / ys, y)


    line(20, 20, 30, 40, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)

    20.5    20
    20.5    21
    20.5    22
    20.5    23
    20.5    24
    20.5    25
    20.5    26
    20.5    27
    20.5    28
    20.5    29
    20.5    30
    20.5    31
    20.5    32
    20.5    33
    20.5    34
    20.5    35
    20.5    36
    20.5    37
    20.5    38
    20.5    39
    20.5    40


    line(20, 20, 40, 30, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)

    20      30
    21      30.5
    22      31
    23      31.5
    24      32
    25      32.5
    26      33
    27      33.5
    28      34
    29      34.5
    30      35
    31      35.5
    32      36
    33      36.5
    34      37
    35      37.5
    36      38
    37      38.5
    38      39
    39      39.5
    40      40

    Edited 2 times by MiningMarsh. Last: 19th Sep 2013