breakable/ meltable stuff.

  • GE-addict
    28th Aug 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    there are many elements that i would like to see added. these would be the exact same as existing elements except they can be smashed and melted.


    BARY: breakable aray, breaks if pressure rises too quickly (42 units per second). breaks into BREL.

    BCRY: breakable cray, follows same rules as BARY.


    BTSN: Breakable temperature sensor.

    MPSN: meltable pressure sensor, 1200 C melting point.


    BRPL: Breakable RPEL

    BACL: Breakable ACEL

    BFRY: Breakable FRAY

    BDCL: Breakable DCEL


    Piston and frame having a meltable version would be wonderful. i tired to make a bomb planter but the frame kept blocking the explosion.

    Wether these elements be breakable or meltable, it doesnt really matter, but they could make some interesting saves.

  • Schneumer
    28th Aug 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    no just no

  • Cacophony
    28th Aug 2013 Member 3 Permalink

    I don't see any of these actually being useful.

  • tmo97
    2nd Sep 2013 Banned 0 Permalink
    This post is hidden because the user is banned