WWTW - Wibbly-Wobbly Timey-Wimey stuff. When it comes into contact with something, it creates a field that sends anything within that area to jump back to a previous state or jump forward to a possible future state. If a Wibbly-Wobbly field remains running for too long, a field of PRDX is created.
PRDX - Paradox. Sends particles near it into dozens of different time states at the same time (duplicating the particles) and then implodes on itself, taking anything near it with it.
Edit: *Post by Catelite*
Can't be bothered to unlock! ^_^
The first suggestion is probably very possible, actually. It's the basic premise of how TIME element used to do fast-fowarding. I would guess the element just updates itself out of accord with everything else, the game actually doesn't care terribly much.
So totally legit for an element to be able to send -other- elements into hasted time, or even to make them disappear and re-appear in the future. It's been done before.